About us

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The main goal of NICO research center is to study the fundamental biological mechanisms of nervous system function, whose knowledge is essential for the development of innovative therapeutic approaches for neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders.

NICO is an interdepartmental institute of Turin University devoted to Neuroscience, from basic research (aimed at elucidating mechanisms of brain repair) to clinical research (aimed at developing new therapeutic strategies for treating neurodegenerative diseases).

Our mission
The complexity of neurobiological studies makes it necessary to adopt an interdisciplinary approach. The birth of NICO meets the need of gathering the complementary experiences of twenty university principal investigators and seventy young PhD students and postdocs.

Alzheimer, Huntington, multiple sclerosis, and amiotrophic lateral sclerosis: these are some of the most commonly known neurodegenerative diseases. The road towards their cure inevitably starts from basic research capable of understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms which underlie their pathogenesis. For this reason, research at NICO is devoted to investigate the normal structure and function of the central nervous system, along with neurodegenerative events and reparative/regenerative processes of nerve and glial cells.

Hosting Extra-EU researchers
From April 2016 the Cavalieri Ottolenghi Foundation has been credited by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research to sign hosting agreements. This means that our Institute may host extra-EU researchers, not resident in the EU, to carry out research projects, to obtain VISA.

Disseminating scientific knowledge throughout the community
Our researchers are very dedicated to making sure that major research findings in neuroscience are made accessible to the public at large. As such, we support a number of community dissemination activities. In particular, we have the following outreach programs for high school students: UniStem Day, Neuroscience Olympic Games, and a Scientific Summer Academy.
These and other initiatives are designed to introduce the students to neuroscience, to demonstrate and engender the commitment and passion that drives scientific research, and to explain the complex findings of neuroscience in a simple and reliable manner.

Events & Meetings

21 february 2025

NICO NeuroWebinar & Seminar

1 appointment per week, on Friday at 2.00 pm