Francesca Cirulli, Istituto Superiore di Sanità - Roma

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Event date: from 24/01/2020 to 01/01/1970
Friday, January 24 - h 1:30 p.m.
Seminars Room, NICO
Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi
Regione Gonzole 10, Orbassano (TO)

Francesca Cirulli, Ph.D.
Center for Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health
Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma

Healthspan vs longevity:
translating research from animal models to promote healthy ageing in humans

The field of ageing has been shifting its attention from extending longevity (lifespan) to promoting healthy ageing (healthspan). The presentation will address the current lack of a clear definition of health in old age and the need to operationalize the features of healthspan, so that it can be measured and acted upon.

Examples from animal models of healthy aging will be used to address the meaning of the term “healthspan” and the underlying pathways and biomarkers. Sex and gender differences are consistently found in preclinical and clinical studies and the “frailty paradox” (greater longevity in females in the face of more marked physical signs of ageing) discussed in terms of personalized strategies of intervention.

Research on this topic can ultimately inform the development of appropriate interventions targeting nutrition, exercise, and, more in general, lifestyles in the elderly.

Host: Alessandro Vercelli

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