International Symposium on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration

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Event date: 22/01/2014

2nd International Symposium on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
24-25 January 2014
Centro Congressi TORINO INCONTRA Via Nino Costa 8, Torino
The 2nd ISPNR will bring together researchers and students from diverse discipline. The symposium acts as a platform for presenting and discussing new developments in the field of nerve regeneration and tissue engineering.

Italian press release 22.01.2014

Interest in the study of peripheral nerve repair and regeneration has become a hot topic in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.


However, in spite of the scientific advancements, applications to the patients is still limited and it appears that to optimize the strategy for tissue engineering of the peripheral nerve in the clinical perspective, more basic research is needed and neuroscientists have to strive for a new level of innovation which will bring together (in a multi-translational approach) the main pillars of tissue engineering, namely

1) Reconstructive microsurgery
2) Transplantation (of tissues, cells and genes)
3) Material science and bioengineering
4) Physical therapy and biostimulation.

In line with this growing interest, and following the success of the 1st Symposium (December 2009), the 2nd International Symposium on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration is aimed at bringing together an international and interdisciplinary panel of scientists that critically address some the most important issues in this emerging biomedical field.

There will be no participation fees for ISPNR - 2014.
Although no payment is required, pre-registration is strongly suggested since the number of attendees is limited and registrations will be accepted on a first-come base.

Full Scientific Programme
For further informations

Organizing Committee
Bruno Battiston, GIM, C.T.O. Hospital, Torino
Giovanna Gambarotta, DSCB, University of Torino
Stefano Geuna, NICO & DSCB, University of Torino
Isabelle Perroteau, DSCB, University of Torino
Stefania Raimondo, NICO & DSCB, University of Torino
Pierluigi Tos, GIM, C.T.O. Hospital, Torino
FaLang translation system by Faboba

Events & Meetings

17 january 2025

NICO NeuroWebinar & Seminar

1 appointment per week, on Friday at 2.00 pm