Italy-Japan approaches to neural regeneration

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Event date: from 08/06/2022 to 08/06/2022

Italy-Japan approaches to neural regeneration
8 June 2022 

The spontaneous recovery of peripheral neural injuries, though greater than regeneration after injury of the central nervous system, is often incomplete, without reaching sufficient functionalities. Stem cell therapies are gaining attention as one of the most interesting approaches in the field of nerve repair therapies.

The event aims at showcasing the two Countries' research excellence on the use of stem cells and regenerative medicine for neurological repair.

The webinar is organized by the   Science and Technology Office, Embassy of Italy - Tokyo in collaboration with the Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), University of Turin, under the framework of the Italian Research Day in Japan 2022 and of the Memorandum of Cooperation in the Field of Health and Medical Sciences between the Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and Italy’s Ministry of Health.


Welcome and Opening Remarks -  H.E. Gianluigi Benedetti (Ambassador of Italy to Japan)

Opening Greetings -  Prof. Stefano Geuna (Rector of the University of Turin)

Introduction by the Moderator –  Prof. Enrico Traversa (Scientific Counsellor, Embassy of Italy in Japan)

Functional rejuvenation of aged neural stem cells
Dr. Ryoichiro Kageyama (Director of the RIKEN Center for Brain Science)

Striatal neuron transplantation for cell replacement in Huntington's Disease: prospects and challenges
Prof. Annalisa Buffo (Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi, University of Turin)

The brain mechanisms for recovery after spinal cord injury
Prof. Tadashi Isa (Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBi), Kyoto University)

Neural stem cell transplantation and stretch-growth: a combinatorial approach to address spinal cord lesions
Prof. Marco Onorati (Head of the Neural Stem Cell Lab, Department of Biology, University of Pisa)

Panel Discussion with the 4 speakers and Wrap-Up by the moderator  Prof. Alessandro Vercelli , President of the Italian Neuroscience Society, Scientific Director of NICO, University of Turin.

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21 february 2025

NICO NeuroWebinar & Seminar

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