Ludovic Telley - University of Lausanne, Switzerland

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Event date: 18/09/2019

Thursday, September  19th - h 12:00 a.m.
Seminars Room, NICO
Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi
Regione Gonzole 10, Orbassano (TO)

Ludovic Telley
Assistant Professeur, Department of Fundamental Neuroscience
Faculty of Biology and Medicine - University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Genetic aspects of the temporal patterning of cortical neurogenesis

During corticogenesis, distinct subtypes of neurons are sequentially born from ventricular zone progenitors. How these cells are molecularly temporally patterned is unknown. Here, we use high temporal resolution single-cell RNA sequencing to lineage-trace the molecular identities of successive generations of apical progenitors (APs) and their daughter neurons in mouse embryos.

We identify a core set of evolutionarily-conserved, temporally-patterned genes, which drive APs from internally-driven to more exteroceptive states, and reveal that the polycomb repressor complex PRC2 epigenetically regulates AP temporal progression. Embryonic age-dependent AP molecular states are transmitted to their progeny as successive ground states, onto which essentially conserved early post-mitotic differentiation programs are applied, and complemented by later occurring environment-dependent signals.
Thus, epigenetically-regulated temporal molecular birthmarks present in progenitors act in their post-mitotic progeny to seed adult neuronal diversity.

Host: Valentina Cerrato

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