Michele Caselle, University of Torino - INFN

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Event date: 10/05/2017


NIT bn

Thursday, 11th May - h 2:00 p.m.
Seminars Room, NICO

Gene Regulation of Functional Brain Networks

Michele Caselle
University of Torino, Department of Physics and INFN

It is well known that gene expression patterns exhibit strong correlation with functionally-coupled resting state networks of the human cortex, however little is known on the regulatory program leading to the establishment of these network-specific transcriptional signatures.

In this talk I will discuss a few attempts to shed light on this issue. I will discuss in particular the case of the Default-mode Network and of the Somatosensory Network, showing how to construct  a robust set of transcription factors which are likely to control the gene expression program of these networks. As a major result of this analysis I will show that a special role in this regulatory program is played by the the epigenetic layer of regulation and in particular by the PolyComb complex.

Moreover, I will also show that a remarkably similar regulatory program controls transcriptional signatures in corresponding resting-state networks of the mouse brain.

Host: Ferdinando Di Cunto

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