7th International Meeting
Torino - February 16th - 20th 2013
Dear Colleagues,
After a very successful series of meetings (the last was in February 2011), we are delighted to invite you to the 7th International meeting on Steroids and Nervous System, which will once again be held in Torino, between 16-20 February, 2013.
As during the previous meetings, we will address state-of-the-art approaches in the field of steroids and nervous system, including behavior, epigenetics, genomic and non-genomic actions, aging, synaptic connectivity, psychiatric disorders.
We will have 3 keynote lectures, 7 half day symposia, one round table and interactive poster discussions during the coffee and lunch sessions.
- Neurosteroids and GABAa receptor
- Neuroendocrine disruption
- Steroids and hippocampal plasticity
- Estrogens and rapid regulation of behavior
- Neuroprotection
- Epigenetics
- Aging
- Genomic and non-genomic effects
- Neuroactive steroids and psychiatric disorders
- Estrogen-regulated synaptic connectivity
- Allopregnanolone and other neurosteroids
For each symposium 4 speaker will present general overviews as well as novel work undertaken by leading laboratories in the field. A few additional short communications (selected by the Organizing Committee) will complete the symposia. As in previous editions, posters' discussion will be the place to discuss emerging trends and new developments of the field.
We are looking forward to your participation.
Roberto C. Melcangi and GianCarlo Panzica