Group leader: Luca Bonfanti and Paolo Peretto

Ghibaudi M , Boda E, Bonfanti L . From mice to humans: A need for comparable results in mammalian neuroplasticity . Neural Regeneration Research, April 16, 2024. doi: 10.4103/NRR.NRR-D-24-00143.
Isabella Crisci, Sara Bonzano , Zinter Nicolas, Eleonora Dallorto , Paolo Peretto , Wojciech Krezel, Silvia De Marchis (2024) Tamoxifen exerts direct and microglia-mediated effects preventing neuroinflammatory changes in the adult mouse hippocampal neurogenic niche. Glia.
Bonzano S, Dallorto E, Molineris I, Michelon F, Crisci I, Gambarotta G, Neri F, Oliviero S, Beckervordersandforth R, Lie DC, Peretto P, Bovetti S, Studer M, De Marchis S.
NR2F1 shapes mitochondria in the mouse brain, providing new insights into Bosch-Boonstra-Schaaf optic atrophy syndrome.
Dis Model Mech. 2023 Jun 1;16(6):dmm049854. doi: 10.1242/dmm.049854. Epub 2023 Jun 26. PMID: 37260288; PMCID: PMC10309583. Scandiffio R, Bonzano S, Cottone E, Shrestha S, Bossi S, De Marchis S, Maffei ME, Bovolin P.
Beta-Caryophyllene Modifies Intracellular Lipid Composition in a Cell Model of Hepatic Steatosis by Acting through CB2 and PPAR Receptors
. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Mar 23;24(7):6060. doi: 10.3390/ijms24076060. PMID: 37047034; PMCID: PMC10094507.
Zucca S, Puche AC, Bovetti S.
Editorial: The neural circuitry of mating behaviors.
Front Neural Circuits. 2023 Jan 6;16:1102051. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2022.1102051. PMID: 36685356; PMCID: PMC9853960.
Ghibaudi M, Amenta A, Agosti M, Riva M, Graïc J-M, Bifari F, Bonfanti L (2023) Consistency and variation in doublecortin and Ki67 antigen detection in the brain tissue of different mammals, including humans . International Journal of MolecularSciences 24, 2514.doi: 10.3390/ijms24032514
Ghibaudi M, Marchetti N, Vergnano E, La Rosa C, Benedetti B, Couillard-Despres S, Farioli-Vecchioli S and Bonfanti L (2023) Age-related changes in layer II immature neurons of the murine piriform cortex. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 17:1205173.doi: 10.3389/fncel.2023.1205173
Benedetti B, Reisinger M, Hochwartner M, Gabriele G, Jakubecova D, Benedetti A, Bonfanti L, Couillard-Despres S (2023) The awakening of dormant neuronal precursors in the adult and aged brain . Aging Cell (ePub) 30:e13974. doi: 10.1111/acel.13974
Bonfanti L, La Rosa C, Ghibaudi M, Sherwood CC (2023) Adult neurogenesis and “immature” neurons in mammals: An evolutionary trade-off in plasticity? Brain Structture& Function (epub).doi: 10.1007/s00429-023-02717-9
Malloul H, Bonzano S, Bennis M, De Marchis S, Ba-M'hamed S. Chronic thinner inhalation alters olfactory behaviors in adult mice. Behav Brain Res. 2022 Jan 24;417:113597. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2021.113597. Epub 2021 Sep 24. PMID: 34563601.
Fornasari B. E., Zen F., Nato G., Fogli M., Luzzati F., Ronchi G., Raimondo S., Gambarotta G. (2022) Blood Vessels: The Pathway Used by Schwann Cells to Colonize Nerve Conduits. Int J Mol Sci. Feb 23(4):2254. DOI: 10.3390/ijms23042254
Gribaudo S, Saraulli D, Nato G, Bonzano S, Gambarotta G, Luzzati F, Costanzi M, Peretto P, Bovetti S, De Marchis S. Neurogranin Regulates Adult-Born Olfactory Granule Cell Spine Density and Odor-Reward Associative Memory in Mice. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Apr 20;22(8):4269. doi: 10.3390/ijms22084269. PMID: 33924098; PMCID: PMC8074334. Trova S, Bovetti S, Bonzano S, De Marchis S, Peretto P. Sex Steroids and the Shaping of the Peripubertal Brain: The Sexual-Dimorphic Set-Up of Adult Neurogenesis. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jul 26;22(15):7984. doi: 10.3390/ijms22157984. PMID: 34360747; PMCID: PMC8347822.
La Rosa C, Bonfanti L (2021) Searching for alternatives to brain regeneration . Neural Reg. Res. 16(11): 2198-2200. DOI:10.4103/1673-5374.310683
Lavorgna L, Brigo F, Esposito S, Abbadessa G, Sparaco M, Lanzillo R, Moccia M, Inglese M, Bonfanti L, Trojsi F, Spina E, Russo A, Clerico M, Tedeschi G, Bonavita S (2021) Public engagement and neurology: An update. Brain Sci. 11(4), 429.
La Rosa C, Cavallo F, Pecora A, Chincarini M, Ala U, Faulkes CG, Nacher J, Cozzi B, Sherwood CC, Amrein I,
Bonfanti L*
Phylogenetic variation in cortical layer II immature neuron reservoir of mammals
Elife. 2020 Jul 21;9:e55456. doi: 10.7554/eLife.55456.
La Rosa C, Parolisi R, Bonfanti L (2020). Brain structural plasticity: From adult neurogenesis to immature neurons. Front Neurosci 14:75.
Cozzi B, Bonfanti L, Canali E and Minero M. (2020)
Brain Waste: The Neglect of Animal Brains.
Front Neuroanat 14:573934. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2020.573934
Trova S, Bovetti S, Pellegrino G, Bonzano S, Giacobini P, Peretto P (2020). HPG-Dependent Peri-Pubertal Regulation of Adult Neurogenesis in Mice. Front Neuroanat. 27;14:584493.
Antonini A, Sattin A, Moroni M, Bovetti S, Moretti C, Succol F, Forli A, Vecchia D, Rajamanickam VP, Bertoncini A, Panzeri S, Liberale C, Fellin (2020). Extended field-of-view ultrathin microendoscopes for high-resolution two-photon imaging with minimal invasiveness. eLife. 9:e58882.
Fornasari BE, El Soury M, Nato G, Fucini A, Carta G, Ronchi G, Crosio A, Perroteau I, Geuna S, Raimondo S, Gambarotta G. (2020). Fibroblasts Colonizing Nerve Conduits Express High Levels of Soluble Neuregulin1, a Factor Promoting Schwann Cell Dedifferentiation. Cells. 1;9(6):1366.
La Rosa, C., Ghibaudi, M., Bonfanti, L. (2019).
Newly generated and non-newly generated “immature” neurons in the mammalian brain: A possible reservoir of young cells to prevent brain ageing and disease?
J. Clin. Med. 8(5), pii: E685. doi: 10.3390/jcm8050685.
IF: 5,7 Q1
Tomagra G, Picollo F, Battiato A, Picconi B, De Marchis S, Pasquarelli A, Olivero P, Marcantoni A, Calabresi P, Carbone E, Carabelli V.
Quantal Release of Dopamine and Action Potential Firing Detected in Midbrain Neurons by Multifunctional Diamond-Based Microarrays.
Front. Neurosci. 2019.
IF: 3,6 Q2
Bovetti S, Moretti C, Fellin T (2019) Patterned two-photon illumination for high-speed functional imaging of brain networks in vivo. In “Advanced Optical Methods for Brain Imaging” (book chapter) Springer
Bonzano S, Crisci I, Podlesny-Drabiniok A, Rolando C, Krezel W, Studer M and De Marchis S. Neuron-Astroglia Cell Fate Decision in the Adult Mouse Hippocampal Neurogenic Niche Is Cell- Intrinsically Controlled by COUP-TFI In Vivo (2018). Cell Reports. 2018 July 10. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.06.044
Malloul H, Bennis M, Bonzano S, Gambarotta G, Perroteau I, De Marchis S*, and Ba-M’hamed S*. Decreased hippocampal neuroplasticity and behavioral impairment in an animal model of inhalant abuse (2018). Front. Neurosci. 2018 February 2018. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00035
Parolisi R, Cozzi B, Bonfanti L (2018) Humans and dolphins: Decline and fall of adult neurogenesis. Front Neurosci 12:497.
La Rosa C, Parolisi R, Palazzo O, Lévy F, Meurisse M, Bonfanti L (2018) Clusters of DCX+ cells “trapped” in the subcortical white matter of early postnatal Cetartiodactyla (Tursiopstruncatus, Stenellacoeruloalba and Ovisaries). Brain StructFunct . 223(8):3613-3632.
Palazzo O, La Rosa C, Piumatti M, Bonfanti L (2018) Do large brains of long-living mammals prefer non-newly generated, immature neurons? Neural Reg Res 13: 633-634.
Piumatti M, Palazzo O, La Rosa C, Crociara P, Parolisi R, Luzzati F, Lévy F, Bonfanti L(2018) Non-newlygenerated, "immature" neurons in the sheep brain are notrestricted to cerebralcortex. J Neurosci , 38: 826-842.
Bonfanti L, Amrein I (2018) Adult neurogenesis: Beyond rats and mice. Front Neurosci Editorial
Cerrato V, Parmigiani E, Figueres-Oñate M, Betizeau M, Aprato J, Nanavaty I, Berchialla P, Luzzati F, de'Sperati C, López-Mascaraque L, Buffo A. (2018) Multiple origins and modularity in the spatiotemporal emergence of cerebellar astrocyte heterogeneity. PLoS Biol 16(9):e2005513.
Forli A, Vecchia D, Binini N, Bovetti S, Moretti C, Mahn M, Baker C, Bolton ML, Yizhar O and Fellin T (2018) Twophoton bidirectional control and imaging of neuronal excitability with cellular resolution in vivo. Cell Rep 13;22:3087- 3098. IF: 8 [ Q1 (gold) 28/190 – CELL BIOLOGY ] Mariotti L, Losi G, Sessolo M, Melone M, Chiavegato A, Marcon I, Bovetti S, Forli A,Fellin F,
Conti F, and Carmignoto G. (2018) GABAergic interneuron type-specific signaling to astrocytes in neocortical circuits. Nat Commun 9:82.
Parolisi R, Cozzi B, Bonfanti L (2017) Non-neurogenic SVZ-like niche in dolphins, mammals devoid of olfaction. Brain Struct Funct 222: 2625-2639.
Jongbloets BC, Lemstra S, Schellino R, Broekhoven MH, Parkash J, Hellemons AJ, Mao T, Giacobini P, van Praag H, De Marchis S, Ramakers GM, Pasterkamp RJ. Stage-specific functions of Semaphorin7A during adult hippocampal neurogenesis rely on distinct receptors. Nat Commun. 2017 Mar 10;8:14666.
Oboti L, Trova S, Schellino R, Marraudino M, Harris NR, Abiona OM, Stampar M, Lin W, Peretto P. (2017) Activity Dependent Modulation of Granule Cell Survival in the Accessory Olfactory Bulb at Puberty. Front Neuroanat 2017 11:44. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2017.00044.
Pierucci F, Garcia-Gil M, Frati A, Bini F, Martinesi M, Vannini E, Mainardi M, Luzzati F, Peretto P, Caleo M, Meacci E (2017) Vitamin D3 protects against Aβ peptide cytotoxicity in differentiated human neuroblastoma SH- SY5Y cells: A role for S1P1/p38MAPK/ATF4 axis. Neuropharmacology 2017 Apr;116:328-342. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2017.01.003. Epub 2017
Bonzano S., De Marchis S. (2017) Detecting Neuronal Differentiation Markers in Newborn Cells of the Adult Brain. In: Pellicciari C., Biggiogera M. (eds) Histochemistry of Single Molecules. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1560. Humana Press, New York, NY (book chapter)
Bonfanti L. (2016) Adult Neurogenesis 50 Years Later: Limits and Opportunities in Mammals. Front Neurosci. 10:44.
Lipp H.P., Bonfanti L. (2016) Adult neurogenesis in mammals: Variations and confusions. Brain Behav Evol. 87(3):205-221.
Schellino R, Trova S, Cimino I, Farinetti A, Jongbloets BC, Pasterkamp RJ, Panzica G, Giacobini P, De Marchis S, Peretto P. (2016).
Opposite-sex attraction in male mice requires testosterone-dependent regulation of adult olfactory bulb neurogenesis.
Sci Rep. 26;6:36063.
Bonzano S, Bovetti S, Gendusa C, Peretto P, De Marchis S. (2016).
Adult born olfactory bulb dopaminergic interneurons: Molecular determinants and experience-dependent plasticity.
Front Neurosci. 6;10:189.
Fornasari BE, El Soury M, De Marchis S, Perroteau I, Geuna S, Gambarotta G. (2016). Neuregulin1 alpha activates migration of neuronal progenitors expressing ErbB4. Mol Cell Neurosci. 77:87-94.
Casoni F, Malone SA, Belle M, Luzzati F, Collier F, Allet C, Hrabovszky E, Rasika S, Prevot V, Chédotal A, Giacobini P. (2016) Development of the neurons controlling fertility in humans: new insights from 3D imaging and transparent fetal brains. Development 143(21):3969-3981.
Lattanzi W, Parolisi R, Barba M, Bonfanti L Osteogenic and neurogenic stem cells in their own place: unraveling differences and similarities between niches. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 24 November 2015
Farinetti A, Tomasi S, Foglio B, Ferraris A, Ponti G, Gotti S, Peretto P, Panzica GC. (2015) Testosterone and estradiol differentially affect cell proliferation in the subventricular zone of young adult gonadectomized male and female rats. Neuroscience 12;286:162-70. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2014.11.050. Epub 2014 Dec 4.
Feliciano DM, Bordey A, Bonfanti L (2015) Noncanonical sites of adult neurogenesis in the mammalian brain. COLD SPRING HARB. PERSPECT. BIOL. 7(10) pii: a018846
Luzzati F. A hypothesis for the evolution of the upper layers of the neocortex through co-option of the olfactory cortex developmental program. Front Neurosci. 2015 May 12;9:162. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00162. eCollection 2015.
Nacher J, Bonfanti L (2015) New neurons from old beliefs in the adult piriform cortex? Front. Neuroanat. 9:62.
Nato G, Caramello A, Trova S, Avataneo V, Rolando C, Taylor V, Buffo A, Peretto P, Luzzati F. (2015). Striatal astrocytes produce neuroblasts in an excitotoxic model of Huntington's disease. Development. 2015 Mar 1;142(5):840-5. doi: 10.1242/dev.116657. Epub 2015 Feb 5.
Parolisi R, Peruffo A, Messina S, Panin M, Montelli S, Giurisato M, Cozzi B, Bonfanti L. (2015) Forebrain neuroanatomy of the neonatal and juvenile dolphin (T. truncatus & S. coeruloalba). Front. Neuroanat. 9:140.
Parkash J, Messina A, Langlet F, Cimino I, Loyens A, Mazur D, Gallet S, Balland E, Malone S A, Pralong F, Cagnoni G, Schellino R, De Marchis S, Mazzone M, Pasterkamp R J, Tamagnone L, Prevot V & Giacobini P. (2015). Semaphorin7A regulates neuroglial plasticity in the adult hypothalamic median eminence. Nature Communications 6, 6385 doi:10.1038/ncomms7385
Peretto P, Bonfanti L. (2015) Adult neurogenesis 20 years later: physiological function vs. brain repair. Front Neurosci. 9:71.