Brain development and disease

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Group leader:  Alessandro Vercelli

Anna Caretto

Anna Caretto

PhD student


Tel  +39 011 670 6632
Fax +39 011 670 5451


Born in Turin on 08.07.1995, Italian.


October 2019: Master’s degree in Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology (CTF) (summa cum laude and dignity of print), University of Turin, Italy.

Thesis title: “Valutazione dell’efficacia terapeutica di MR409, un agonista del GHRH, in un modello sperimentale di Atrofia Muscolare Spinale”. PI: Prof. Marina Maria Boido (Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi, Orbassano, TO).

Research Experience

October 2020 – present: PhD Student in Neuroscience, Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi
(NICO), University of Turin (Italy). PI: Prof. Alessandro Vercelli and Prof. Marina Boido.

December 2019 – present: fellowshiprecipient, Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), University of Turin (Italy). PI: Prof.ssa Marina Maria Boido.

List of publications

Stanga, S.; Caretto, A.; Boido, M.; Vercelli, A. Mitochondrial Dysfunctions: A Red Thread across
Neurodegenerative Diseases. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 3719.


Agonist of growth hormone-releasing hormone improves the disease features of spinal muscular atrophy mice

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) , 10 January 2023

Marina Boido, Iacopo Gesmundo, Anna Caretto, Francesca Pedrolli, Roberta Schellino, Sheila Leone, Renzhi Cai, Wei Sha, Ezio Ghigo, Andrew V Schally, Alessandro Vercelli, Riccarda Granata

Research Group NICO:  Brain development and disease

12 January 2023