Group leader: Alessandro Vercelli

Daniela Maria Rasà
Born in Catania on 11.09.1990, Italian.
April 2016: Master’s degree in Sanitary Biology (summa cum laude), University of Catania, Italy. Thesis title: “Identificazione delle isoforme del gene WT1 in cellule di neuroblastoma non differenziate e differenziate con acido retinoico”. PI: Prof.ssa Velia D’Agata
November 2013: Master’s bachelor in Biology (110/110), University of Catania, Italy. Thesis title: “l’importanza del CA 125 nel carcinoma ovarico”. PI: Prof.ssa Giuseppina Raciti
Reasearch Experiences
October 2019 – present: fellowship recipient, Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), University of Turin (Italy). PI: Alessandro Vercelli
October 2016 – February 2018: fellowship as graduate student, Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, University of Catania (Italy). PI: Prof. Claudio Bucolo
Teaching and Training Experiences
March 2018 – September 2018: Human Anatomy tutor for master's bachelor Biology students.
June 2015 – September 2015: Human Anatomy tutor for master’s degree Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology (CTF) students.
List of publications
D'Amico AG, Maugeri G, Rasà D , Federico C, Saccone S, Lazzara F, Fidilio A, Drago F, Bucolo C, D'Agata V. – NAP modulates hyperglycemic-inflammatory event of diabetic retina by counteracting outer blood retinal barrier damage. – J Cell Physiol.; Epub 2018 Oct 30.
Maugeri G, D'Amico A.G., Rasà D.M. , Federico C, Saccone S, Morello G, La Cognata V, Cavallaro S, D'Agata. – Molecular mechanisms involved in the protective effect of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide in an in vitro model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. – J Cell Physiol. 2018 Sep 21.
Maugeri G., D’Amico A.G., Rasà D.M ., Saccone S., Federico C., Cavallaro S, D’Agata V. – PACAP and VIP regulate hypoxia-inducible factors in neuroblastoma cells exposed to hypoxia. – Neuropeptides. 2018 Apr 17.
Maugeri G., D’Amico A.G., Rasà D.M ., Saccone S., Federico C., Magro G., Cavallaro S, D’Agata V. – Caffeine inhibits angiogenesis in human glioblastoma cells via HIFs modulation. – Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2018 Feb 9.
Maugeri G., Longo A., D'Amico A.G., Rasà D.M ., Reibaldi M., Russo A., Bonfiglio V., Avitabile T., D'Agata V. – Trophic effect of PACAP on human corneal endothelium. – Peptides. 2017 Nov 8.
D'Amico A.G., Maugeri G., Rasà D.M ., Bucolo C., Saccone S., Federico C., Cavallaro S., D'Agata V. – Modulation of IL-1β and VEGF expression in rat diabetic retinopathy after PACAP administration. – Peptides. 2017 Sep 28.
Maugeri G., D'Amico A.G., Rasà D.M. , La Cognata V., Saccone S., Federico C., Cavallaro S., D'Agata V. – Nicotine promotes blood retinal barrier damage in a model of human diabetic macular edema. – Toxicol In Vitro. 2017 Jul 6.
Rasà D.M ., D’Amico A.G., Maugeri G., Cavallaro S., D’Agata V. – WT1 alternative splicing: role of its isoforms in neuroblastoma – J Mol Neurosci. 2017 May 22.
D'Amico A.G., Maugeri G., Rasà D.M ., La Cognata V., Saccone S., Federico C., Cavallaro S., D'Agata V. – Nap Counteracts Hyperglycemia/Hypoxia Induced Retinal Pigment Epithelial Barrier Breakdown Through Modulation Of HIFs and VEGF Expression – J Cell Physiol. 2017 Apr 24.
Maugeri G., D'Amico A.G., Rasà D.M ., La Cognata V., Saccone S., Federico C., Cavallaro S., D'Agata V. – Caffeine Prevents Blood Retinal Barrier Damage in a Model, In Vitro, of Diabetic Macular Edema – J Cell Biochem. 2017 Jan 20.
Maugeri G., D’Amico A.G., Rasà D.M ., Reitano R., Saccone S., Federico C., Parenti R., Magro G., D’Agata V. – Expression profile of Wilms Tumor 1 (WT1) isoforms in undifferentiated and all-trans retinoic acid differentiated neuroblastoma cells – Genes Cancer. 2016 Jan.