Group leader: Alessandro Vercelli

Sveva Dallere
Born in Turin on 23.07.1997, Italian.
October 2021: Master’s degree in Medical Biotechnology(summa cum laude), University of Turin, Italy.
Thesis title:“Cell replacement and enriched environment as a combined therapeutic strategy for Huntington’s Disease treatment”. PI: Prof. Alessandro Vercelliand Prof. Annalisa Buffo (Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi, Orbassano, TO).
July 2019: Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology, University of Turin, Italy.
Research Experience
September 2019- June 2021: Master’s Degree student in Medical Biotechnology – Internship in the Brain Development and Disease laboratory, Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi, Italy. PI: Prof. Alessandro Vercelli.
June 2021– present: fellowship recipient, Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi, Italy, in collaboration with PharmaFox Therapeutics. PI: Prof. Alessandro Vercelli and Prof. Marina Boido.