Acting Group leader: Alessia Di Sapio

Alessia Di Sapio
Born in Turin (Italy), 1966 october 22 nd
Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the School Medicine of University of Turin;
Specialization in Neurology at the School of Medicine University of Turin;
Certificate in EMG e Evoked Potentials by SINC on 13.5.2014, renewed in 2019;
Certificate in EEG by SINC on 20.5.2015, renewed in 2020;
From 1.8.1997 to 31.3.1998 neurologist at the Neurology Department, San Lazzaro Hospital (Alba)
From 1.4.1998 to 31.7.2001 neurologist at the Emergency Neurology Department of AOU San Giovanni Battista, Molinette (actually “Città della Salute e della Scienza”), Turin, Italy.
From 1.8.2001 to 5.3.2017: neurologist at the Neurology Department and MS Regional Referral Centre (CReSM), AOU San Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano (Turin), Italy .
From 6.3.2017 to 3.7.2017: Director of the Neurology department of Regina Montis regalis Hospital, ASL CN1, Mondovì (CN).
From 4.7.2022 to date Director of the Neurology Department and Regional Referral Multiple Sclerosis Centre at S. Luigi Gonzaga University Hospital in Orbassano
From 01.08.2002 to 31.08.2009 High-level technical-professional assignment of the "C1" category entitled “Multiple Sclerosis and Clinical Neurobiology”.
From 01.09.2009 to 5.3.2017 High-level technical-professional assignment of the "C1S" category entitled "Clinical Experimental Neurophysiology”.
I have been in clinical practice in neurological field since 1997, initially working in Neurological Emergency Department, and then at the San Luigi University Hospital and Multiple Sclerosis Center, acquiring skills in the management of both acute and chronic neurological diseases. I have acquired a particular experience in the field of autoimmune diseases, with a particular focus on multiple sclerosis, and in neurophysiological diagnostic procedures (EMG, EEG and evoked potential), attested by specific certificates.
In 2017 I moved to the Regina Montis Regalis Hospital in Mondovì, where as Head of the Neurology Department I started inpatient care activity, including the treatment of acute cerebrovascular diseases; I opened outpatient clinics dedicated to treatment of neuropathies, myopathies and movement disorders; I started the diagnostic activity in the neurosonological field and expanded the clinical research activity in Multiple Sclerosis.
In 2022 I moved back to the San Luigi Gonzaga Hospital where I’m now the Director of the Neurological Department and MS Regional Referral Center (CReSM) which includes inpatients ward, outpatients clinic, Neurophysiology and Neurobiology Laboratories and a BioBank dedicated to MS and demyelinating diseases.
I worked as a contract professor of Neurology from 2002 to 2013 at School of Medicine of Turin in the course of Radiology Technicians. I also participated to several medical conferences as speaker, mainly on the topic of Multiple Sclerosis and related disorders, and I organized debates with patient and caregiver about disease management.
As a medical student my field of research was experimental neurophysiology on animal models, with Prof. Strata, which I continued for a short internship at Brown University, where I took part in brain mapping experiments with Prof John Donoghue. Afterwards during my fellowship in Neurology I got expertise in the field of cerebral tumor biological research, studying the role of growth factors in cell culture and genetic abnormalities in gliomas by molecular biology techniques. Besides I was involved in genetic test (RFLP) for neurological genetic disease. At the MS Regional Referral center, I lead research activity in the field of experimental clinical neurophysiology applied to multiple sclerosis. Besides I was involved in several phase III and IV clinical studies on multiple sclerosis therapies, either as principal or co-investigator. I’m the author of 68 peer-reviewed scientific articles and 170 abstracts at scientific national and international congresses. I have been a reviewer for peer-reviewed scientific journals in the neurological field (Neurological Science, Neurology and Therapy).
I am a member of Italian Society of Neurology and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology