Group leader: Ferdinando Di Cunto

Pallavicini G, Moccia A, Iegiani G, Parolisi R , Peirent ER, Berto GE, Lorenzati M , Tshuva RY, Ferraro A, Balzac F, Turco E, Salvi SU, Myklebust HF, Wang S, Eisenberg J, Chitale M, Girgla NS, Boda E , Reiner O, Buffo A , Di Cunto F , Bielas SL. (2024) Modeling primary microcephaly with human brain organoids reveals fundamental roles of CIT kinase activity. J Clin Invest. 2024 Sep 24:e175435. doi: 10.1172/JCI175435.
Iegiani G, Ferraro A, Pallavicini G and Di Cunto F (2023) The impact of TP53 activation and apoptosis in primary hereditary microcephaly Front. Neurosci; doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1220010
Pallavicini G*, Iegiani G*, Parolisi R, Ferraro A, Garello F, Bitonto V, Terreno E, Gai M and Di Cunto F (2023) Lestaurtinib inhibits Citron kinase activity and medulloblastoma growth through induction of DNA damage, apoptosis and cytokinesis failure Front. Oncol., 19 June 2023;
Boda E, Lorenzati M, Parolisi R, Harding B, Pallavicini G, Bonfanti L, Moccia A, Bielas S, Di Cunto F, Buffo A (2022) Molecular and functional heterogeneity in dorsal and ventraloligodendrocyte progenitor cells of the mouse forebrain in response to DNA damage. Nat Comm 28 April 2022;
Iegiani G, Di Cunto F. & Pallavicini G. Inhibiting microcephaly genes as alternative to microtubule targeting agents to treat brain tumors . Cell Death Dis 12, 956 (2021).
Pallavicini G, Gai M, Iegiani G, Berto GE, Adrait A, Couté Y, Di Cunto F; Goldberg–Shprintzen syndrome protein KIF1BP is a CITK interactor implicated in cytokinesis . J Cell Sci 1 June 2021; 134 (11): jcs250902.
Iegiani G, Gai M, Di Cunto F. and Pallavicini G CENPE Inhibition Leads to Mitotic Catastrophe and DNA Damage in Medulloblastoma Cells Cancers 2021, 13(5), 1028;
Ghibaudi M, Boido M, Green D, Signorino E, Berto GE, Pourshayesteh S, Singh A, Di Cunto F, Dalmay T, Vercelli A. miR-7b-3p Exerts a Dual Role After Spinal Cord Injury, by Supporting Plasticity and Neuroprotection at Cortical Level. Front. Mol. Biosci., 31 March 2021,
Pallavicini G, Iegiani G, Berto GE, Calamia E, Trevisiol E, Veltri A, Allis S, Di Cunto F. CITK Loss Inhibits Growth of Group 3 and Group 4 Medulloblastoma Cells and Sensitizes Them to DNA-Damaging Agents. Cancers, 12 (3) 2020 Feb 26 DOI: 10.3390/cancers12030542. PMID: 32111106
Frasca A, Spiombi E, Palmieri M, Albizzati E, Valente MM, Bergo A, Leva B, Kilstrup-Nielsen C, Bianchi F, Di Carlo V, Di Cunto F, Landsberger N. (2020). MECP2 mutations affect ciliogenesis: a novel perspective for Rett syndrome and related disorders. EMBO Mol Med. Jun 8;12(6):e10270. doi: 10.15252/emmm.201910270. Epub 2020 May 8. PMID: 32383329; PMCID: PMC7278541.
Onorato G, Di Schiavi E, Di Cunto F. (2020) Understanding the Effects of Deep Space Radiation on Nervous System: The Role of Genetically Tractable Experimental Models. Frontiers in Physics 8, 362 DOI=10.3389/fphy.2020.00362
Chiotto AMA, Migliorero M, Pallavicini G, Bianchi FT, Gai M, Di Cunto F, Berto GE.
Neuronal Cell-Intrinsic Defects in Mouse Models of Down Syndrome.
Front Neurosci. 2019 Oct 10;13:1081. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01081. eCollection 2019.
PubMed PMID: 31649502; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6795679.
Grasso S, Cangelosi D, Chapelle J, Alzona M, Centonze G, Lamolinara A, Salemme V, Angelini C, Morellato A, Saglietto A, Bianchi FT, Cabodi S, Salaroglio IC, Fusella F, Ognibene M, Iezzi M, Pezzolo A, Poli V, Di Cunto F, Eva A, Riganti C,
Varesio L, Turco E, Defilippi P.
The SRCIN1/p140Cap adaptor protein negatively regulates the aggressiveness of neuroblastoma.
Cell Death Differ. 2019 Jul 8. doi: 10.1038/s41418-019-0386-6. [Epub ahead of print] Erratum in: Cell Death Differ. 2019 Sep 5; PubMed PMID: 31285546.
Pallavicini G, Berto GE, Di Cunto F. Precision Revisited: Targeting Microcephaly Kinases in Brain Tumors. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Apr 28;20(9). pii:E2098. doi: 10.3390/ijms20092098. Review. PubMed PMID: 31035417; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6539168.
Tran THY, Yang DW, Kim M, Lee DH, Gai M, Di Cunto F, Choi KW, Lim DS.
Citron kinase interacts with LATS2 and inhibits its activity by occluding its hydrophobic phosphorylation motif.
J Mol Cell Biol. 2019 Mar 13. pii: mjz013.
doi: 10.1093/jmcb/mjz013. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30865227.
Pallavicini G, Sgro F, Garello F, Falcone M, Bitonto V, Berto GE, Bianchi FT, Gai M, Chiotto AM, Filippi M, Cutrin JC, Ala U, Terreno E, Turco E and Di Cunto F. Inactivation of citron kinase inhibits medulloblastoma progression by inducing apoptosis and cell senescence. Cancer Res. 2018 Jun. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-4060.
Dema A, Macaluso F, Sgrò F, Berto GE, Bianchi FT, Chiotto AA, Pallavicini G, Di Cunto F and Gai M. Citron kinase-dependent F-actin maintenance at midbody secondary ingression sites mediates abscission. J Cell Sci. 2018 Apr 2;131(8). doi: 10.1242/jcs.209080.
Canosa A, De Marco G, Lomartire A, Rinaudo MT, Di Cunto F, Turco E, Barberis M, Brunetti M, Casale F, Moglia C, Calvo A, Marklund SL, Andersen PM, Mora G, Chiò A. A novel p.Ser108LeufsTer15 SOD1 mutation leading to the formation of a premature stop codon in an apparently sporadic ALS patient: insights into the underlying pathomechanisms. Neurobiol Aging. 2018 Dec;72:189.e11-189.e17.
Bianchi FT, Berto GE, Di Cunto F.
Impact of DNA repair and stability defects on cortical development.
Cell Mol Life Sci. 2018 Nov;75(21):3963-3976
Bandini C, Pupuleku A, Spaccarotella E, Pellegrino E, Wang R, Vitale N, Duval C, Cantarella D, Rinaldi A, Provero P, Di Cunto F, Medico E, Bertoni F, Inghirami G, Piva R. IRF4 Mediates the Oncogenic Effects of STAT3 in Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphomas. Cancers (Basel). 2018 Jan 18;10(1).
Bianchi FT, Tocco C, Pallavicini G, Liu Y, Vernì F, Merigliano C, Bonaccorsi S, El-Assawy N, Priano L, Gai M, Berto GE, Chiotto AM, Sgrò F, Caramello A, Tasca L, Ala U, Neri F, Oliviero S, Mauro A, Geley S, Gatti M, Di Cunto F. Citron Kinase Deficiency Leads to Chromosomal Instability and TP53-Sensitive Microcephaly. Cell Rep. 2017 Feb 14;18(7):1674-1686. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2017.01.054.
Gai M, Di Cunto F. Citron kinase in spindle orientation and primary microcephaly. Cell Cycle. 2017 Feb;16(3):245-246. doi:10.1080/15384101.2016.1252584.
Bianchi, F.T., Gai, M., Berto, G.E., and Di Cunto, F. (2017b). Of rings and spines: The multiple facets of Citron proteins in neural development. Small GTPases 1–9.
Bosia, C., Sgrò, F., Conti, L., Baldassi, C., Brusa, D., Cavallo, F., Cunto, F.D., Turco, E., Pagnani, A., and Zecchina, R. (2017). RNAs competing for microRNAs mutually influence their fluctuations in a highly non-linear microRNA-dependent manner in single cells. Genome Biol. 18, 37.
El Ghouzzi, V, Bianchi, F.T., Molineris, I., Mounce, B.C., Berto, G.E., Rak, M., Lebon, S., Aubry, L., Tocco, C., Gai, M., Chiotto, A.M., Sgro, F., Pallavicini, G., Simon-Loriere, E., Passemard, S., Vignuzzi, M., Gressens, P. and Di Cunto, F. (2016) ZIKA virus elicits P53 activation and genotoxic stress in human neural progenitors similar to mutations involved in severe forms of genetic microcephaly. Cell Death Dis, 7, e2440.
Gai, M., Bianchi, F.T., Vagnoni, C., Verni, F., Bonaccorsi, S., Pasquero, S., Berto, G.E., Sgro, F., Chiotto, A.M., Annaratone, L., Sapino, A., Bergo, A., Landsberger, N., Bond, J., Huttner, W.B. and Di Cunto, F. (2016) ASPM and CITK regulate spindle orientation by affecting the dynamics of astral microtubules. EMBO Rep, 17, 1396-1409.
Harding, B.N., Moccia, A., Drunat, S., Soukarieh, O., Tubeuf, H., Chitty, L.S., Verloes, A., Gressens, P., El Ghouzzi, V., Joriot, S., Di Cunto, F., Martins, A., Passemard, S. and Bielas, S.L. (2016) Mutations in Citron Kinase Cause Recessive Microlissencephaly with Multinucleated Neurons. Am J Hum Genet, 99, 511-520.
Sgro, F., Bianchi, F.T., Falcone, M., Pallavicini, G., Gai, M., Chiotto, A.M., Berto, G.E., Turco, E., Chang, Y.J., Huttner, W.B. and Di Cunto, F. (2016) Tissue-specific control of midbody microtubule stability by Citron kinase through modulation of TUBB3 phosphorylation. Cell Death Differ, 23, 801-813.
Bergo, A., Strollo, M., Gai, M., Barbiero, I., Stefanelli, G., Sertic, S., Cobolli Gigli, C., Di Cunto, F., Kilstrup-Nielsen, C. and Landsberger, N. (2015) Methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) localizes at the centrosome and is required for proper mitotic spindle organization. J Biol Chem, 290, 3223-3237.
Berto, G.E., Iobbi, C., Camera, P., Scarpa, E., Iampietro, C., Bianchi, F., Gai, M., Sgro, F., Cristofani, F., Gartner, A., Dotti, C.G. and Di Cunto, F. (2014) The DCR protein TTC3 affects differentiation and Golgi compactness in neurons through specific actin-regulating pathways. PLoS One, 9, e93721.
Molineris, I., Ala, U., Provero, P. and Di Cunto, F. (2014) Drug repositioning for orphan genetic diseases through Conserved Anticoexpressed Gene Clusters (CAGCs). BMC Bioinformatics, 14, 288.
Repetto, D., Camera, P., Melani, R., Morello, N., Russo, I., Calcagno, E., Tomasoni, R., Bianchi, F., Berto, G., Giustetto, M., Berardi, N., Pizzorusso, T., Matteoli, M., Di Stefano, P., Missler, M., Turco, E., Di Cunto, F. and Defilippi, P. (2014) p140Cap regulates memory and synaptic plasticity through Src-mediated and citron-N-mediated actin reorganization. J Neurosci, 34, 1542-1553.