Nerve regeneration

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Acting Group leader:  Stefania Raimondo (Stefano Geuna, Rector of the University of Turin)

stefania raimondo

Stefania Raimondo

Full Professor of Human Anatomy


Tel    +39 011 670 5433
Fax   +39 011 670 5451

Curriculum Vitae

Date of birth: Torino, 25-02-1977   
Laboratory of Human Anatomy
Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Turin
Hospital San Luigi, Regione Gonzole 10, 10043 - Orbassano (TO).

2002 (Jul)  Master Degree in Biological Sciences at University of Turin (IT)
2008 (Jan) PhD degree in Physiology at University of Turin (IT)

Former and current positions
2007 (Nov) - 2008 (Feb) Research Contract at the University of Turin (IT)
2008 (May- Jul)  Internship at Blond McIndoe Laboratories, School of Medicine, University of Manchester (UK)
2008 - 2011   Post-doctoral fellowship recipient, Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Turin (IT)
2015              Internship at IINS of the University of Bordeaux (FR) funded by the World Wide Style program – Outgoing mobility
2011 (Dec) - 2018(Nov)  Assistant professor, Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences - University of Turin (IT)
2018 (Dec) - present  Associate professor, Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences - University of Turin (IT)

Commissions of trust
2009 and 2014  Organization committee member of the International Symposium on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
2011 - 2015      Coordination board member of the project “Biohybrid templates for peripheral nerve regeneration” of EU-FP7-Health - 2011 (GA no. 278612).
2017 (May) - present  Erasmus Coordinator at the Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Turin (IT)
2018 Guest Associate Editor ofFrontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
2018 - present   Editorial board member of Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
2019 - present   Board members of the European Society for the Study of Peripheral Nerve Repair and Regeneration (ESPNR)
2019 - present   Scientific advisory board member of the NANBIOSIS Re-search Infrastructure Advisory board (SAB)
2019 - present   Member of the academic staff of the master in tissue engineering and advance therapies of the University of Granada
2020 - present   Editorial board member of Biomedicines

Teaching activities
2002 - 2011       Human Anatomy (Teaching Assistant) - Degree course in Medicine and Surgery, Nursing School and Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy, University of Turin (IT).
2009 - 2011       Contract Professor of Human Anatomy - Bachelor’s degree course in Motor Sciences, University of Turin (IT).
2012 - 2018       Lecture in the Reconstructive Microsurgery Course, CTO University Hospital of Turin (IT).
2012 - 2017       Human Anatomy–Bachelor’s degree course in Motor Sciences, University of Turin (IT)
2012 - present   Human Anatomy–Bachelor’s degree course in Nursing, University of Turin (IT)
2017 - present   Human Anatomy–Master degree course in Medicine and Surgery (in English), University of Turin (IT)
2018 - present   Human Anatomy–Bachelor’s degree in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technology

Grants received as principal investigator
2008 recipient of a research grant from the Regione Piemonte (Ricerca Sanitaria Finalizzata) for the investigation of peripheral nerve regeneration after gene therapy and tissue engineering.

2008 - 2009 recipient of a research grant from British Council (ProgrammaCollaborazione Italo-Britannica per giovaniricercatori) for the investigation of peripheral nerve regeneration using an in vitro model of co-culture with adult stem cells and neurons. Collaboration with University of Manchester (UK).

2009 recipient of a research grant from the Regione Piemonte (Ricerca Sanitaria Finalizzata) for a pre-clinical study of peripheral nerve regeneration after nerve repair with chitosan membrane and CD34+ stem cells.

2012 - 2014 and 2013-2016: University research local founding (ex 60%) for the study of peripheral nerve regeneration.

2015 grant in the “World Wide Style program – outgoing mobility” for a project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux (FR) to study miRNA regulation during peripheral nerve regeneration.

2015 - 2017 recipient of a research grant for the national project entitled “Moving Again: Integrated Therapies to Cure Post-Traumatic Paralysis” funded by “Compagnia di San Paolo - Bando per ilfinanziamento di Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo/CSP 2014”.

2017 - 2019 recipient of a research grant for the national project entitled “Raccolta e preparazione di nervi periferici umani per la creazione di una banca del nervo” funded by CRT (Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino).

Research fields
The scientific activity is principally based on the experimental study of regeneration of peripheral nerve fibers after simple experimental models of injury, like the crush, or after the use of innovative surgical techniques of nerve repair, liketubulization with biological grafts (muscle-in-vein) or natural based biomaterial conduits (chitosan, silk).

Technical competences
Light, confocal and electron microscopy
Stereological and morpho-quantitative analysis
Functional tests for motor recovery (grasping test)
Cell and tissue transplantation
Cell cultures

Principal research interests
Peripheral nerve regeneration
Nerve repair
Schwann cell biology
Stem cell biology


Editorial: Peripheral Nerve Regeneration

Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience , October 2019

G Gambarotta, S Raimondo, E Udina, J.B Phillips and K Haastert-Talini

30 January 2020