Group leader: Filippo Tempia

Born in Albania on 26.01.1981. Albanian.
2004. Doctor in Biology (BSc) , University of Padua.
2006. Doctor in Biology, Biomolecular science (MSc), University of Padua.
2011. PhD in Neuroscience (Experimental Neuroscience) supervised by Prof. F. Tempia.
2011 to date: Research fellowship at the Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi supervised by Prof. F. Tempia.
Professional Experience and
2004: Research intern. University of Padua, Comparative Endocrinology Laboratory, supervisor Dott.ssa. L. Dalla Valle. Experimental thesis title: “Real-Time PCR assays to quantify Steroidogenic Factor-1 and Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory (StAR) proteins involved in the expression of steroidogenic enzymes in rat.”
2005-2006: Research intern. University of Padua, Pharmacology Laboratory, supervisor Prof. P. Giusti, Pharmacology and Anaesthesiology Department. Experimental thesis title: “Identification and characterization of cerebellar neural precursors which proliferate and differentiate in response to fluoxetine treatment”
2007-2011: PhD student. University of Turin, Department of Neuroscience, section of Physiology and Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), supervised by Prof. Filippo Tempia Experimental thesis title: “Physiological alterations in cerebellar neurodegenerative processes”
Membership in research centers:
Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO, Orbassano, Turin);
Field of research:
In vitro electrophysiology, Spinocerebellar ataxia, , murine behavioural tests
, Alzheimer’s disease
Mice harbouring a SCA28 patient mutation in AFG3L2 develop late-onset ataxia associated with enhanced mitochondrial proteotoxicity
Neurobiology of Disease
30 October 2018
Mancini C, Hoxha E, Iommarini L, Brussino A, Richter U, Montarolo F, Cagnoli C, Parolisi R, Gondor Morosini DI, Nicolò V, Maltecca F, Muratori L, Ronchi G, Geuna S, Arnaboldi F, Donetti E, Giorgio E, Cavalieri S, Di Gregorio E, Pozzi E, Ferrero M, Riberi E, Casari G, Altruda F, Turco E, Gasparre G, Battersby B, Porcelli A, Ferrero E, Brusco A, Tempia F.