F. Bradke, DZNE, Bonn

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Event date: 08/02/2015

A year after his death, we want to remember Ferdinando Rossi dedicating him a series of lectures at the highest scientific level.
The first Ferdinando Rossi Lecture on Neuroscience, scheduled for February 9th, will host Frank Bradke of DZNE Bonn, friend and colleague of Rossi.

Monday, February 9th, 2015 - h 14:00
Orange room
c/o Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria San Luigi Gonzaga
Regione Gonzole, 10 - Orbassano (Torino - Italy)

Cytoskeletal Mechanisms of Axon Growth and Regeneration
Frank Bradke
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bonn


Frank Bradke has elucidated cytoskeletal dynamics regulating not only axonogenesis and dendritogenesis during development but also axon regeneration in the adult nervous system.

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More information about Prof. Frank Bradke

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