Group leader: Luca Bonfanti and Paolo Peretto

Born in Turin on May 29 th 1992. Italian.
Current position
PhD student in Veterinary Science for Animal Health and Food Safety (3
year) under the supervision of Prof. Luca Bonfanti
2019 - present days Phd Student in Veterinary Sciences for Animal Health and Food Safety– Doctoral School in Life and Health Sciences, University of Turin
LM-6 Master degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology at University of Turin. (110/110)
Final dissertation: Cortical immature neurons, brainsize and lifespan: analysis in rodents and humans.
L-13 Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences at University of Turin.
Final dissertation: Role of endocannabinoids in neuronal morphology and growth
Professional training
March 2022 – September 2022 Period abroad for the PhD project (Characterization and phylogenetic variation of “immature” neurons in subcortical regions of mammals) in Chet Sherwood’s lab of Evolutionary Neuroscience (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA)
October 2017 – April 2019 Internship in Bonfanti Luca and Peretto Paolo’s lab of Adult neurogenesis at Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (Orbassano - TO, Italy)
March 2015 – June 2015 Internship in Patrizia Bovolin’s lab of endocrinology at Department of Life Sciences and System Biology (Turin, Italy).
Scholarship and merit awards
2019: PhD fellowship for the Research Doctorate in veterinary science for animal health and food safety.