Group leader: Ferdinando Di Cunto

Birthdate: 30 August 1983
Nationality: Austrian
2010-2013 Doctorate in molecular biology, University Innsbruck, Austria
2008-2010 Master studies in botany and molecular plant physiology, University of Salzburg, Austria
2004-2008 Bachelor studies in cell physiology, University Salzburg, Austria
1998-2003 High school, Handelsakademie Tamsweg, Tamsweg, Austria
Current position
2022 Postdoc, di Cunto lab, Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi, Turin, Italy
Previous positions
2014-2021 Postdoctoral fellow, Zaslaver lab, Department of Genetics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
2013-2014 Research Associate, Molecular Biology and Oncology, Department of Otolaryngology, Medical
University Innsbruck, Austria
2010-2013 PhD-Student, Inner ear lab, Department of Otolaryngology, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
Fellowships and Prices
2018 David-Herzog-Fellowship of the Styrian Universities
2010 Fritz Grasenick Award, Austrian Society for Electron Microscopy
Main research interest
Systems neuroscience and neurogenetics of development, diseases, and behavior of Caenorhabditis elegans