Group leader: Ferdinando Di Cunto
Born in Turin on 17.04.1996 – Italian
Education and training
2020 – present: PhD student in “Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicine”, Department of
Neurosciences, University of Turin
2018 – 2020: Master degree in Molecular Biotechnology, 110/110 cum laude, University of Turin
2018 (February – June): Erasmus at Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid (Spain); visiting student at
Prof. Angel Ayuso Sacido’s lab, Madrid (Spain)
2015 – 2018: Bachelor degree in Biotechnology, 110/110 cum laude, University of Turin
2010 – 2015: Secondary School diploma (97/100), Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Ferraris”, Turin
Scientific interests
My research is focused on the validation of the Citron Kinase protein as a potential target for brain tumors and the characterization of the molecular networks in which it operates.