Neurophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases

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Group leader:  Filippo Tempia

Neurophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases
Francesca Montarolo

Francesca Montarolo

Biologist, PhD


Tel  + 39 11 6706632
Fax + 39 11 6705448


Curriculum vitae

Born May 14th, 1983 in Vercelli, Italy
Nationality: Italian

Present Position
2012 to date: Post-doctoral Research fellow at the Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO) and University Hospital San Luigi Gonzaga of Orbassano (Turin) supervised by Dr. A. Bertolotto.

2005 Doctor in Biology (BSc) , University of Turin.
2007 Doctor in Biology, Biomolecular science (MSc) , University of Turin.
2012 PhD in Neuroscience (Experimental Neuroscience) supervised by Prof. F. Tempia.

Professional Experience and Scholarships:
2005: Research intern. University of Turin, Central Laboratory  “Baldi Riberi” Azienda Sanitaria Ospedaliera S. Giovanni Battista supervised by Prof. G. Mengozzi. Experimental thesis title: “Valutazione citofluorimetrica di nuovi marcatori linfocitari (CD183- CD184) per lo studio dell’immunofenotipo allergologico”
2006-2007: Research intern. University of Turin, Departiment of Animal and Human Biology, Laboratory of Cellular Biology supervised by Prof. I. Perroteau. Experimental thesis title: “New approach for the peripheral nerve repair: expression and role of Neuregulin 1 III β3 in NOBEC cell line”
2008-2011: PhD student. University of Turin, Department of Neuroscience, section of Physiology and Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), supervised by Prof. Filippo Tempia Experimental thesis title: “Effects of neuronal activity in a murine model of Alzheimer’s disease”

Membership in Research Centers:
Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO, Orbassano, Turin);
Associazione Italiana Neuroimmunologia (AINI).

Field of Research:
Multiple sclerosis, gene expression, in vivo analysis with murine model (neuropathological and behavioural test).




NURR1-deficient mice have age- and sex-specific behavioral phenotypes

Journal of Neuroscience Research , 20 May 2022
Open Access

Montarolo F, Martire S, Chiara F, Allegra S, De Francia S, Hoxha E, Tempia F, Capobianco MA, Bertolotto A 

Research group NICO:  Clinical Neurobiology

7 June 2022

A First Phenotypic and Functional Characterization of Placental Extracellular Vesicles from Women with Multiple Sclerosis

International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 12 March 2021

Martire S., Montarolo F., Spadaro M., Perga S., Sforza M.L., Marozio L., Frezet F., Bruno S.,
Chiabotto G., Deregibus M.C., Camussi G, Botta G, Benedetto C, Bertolotto A

23 March 2021

Overexpression of the ubiquitin-editing enzyme A20 in the brain lesions of Multiple Sclerosis patients

Brain Pathology , October 2020

Simona Perga, Francesca Montarolo, Serena Martire, Brigitta Bonaldo, Gabriele Bono, Jessica Bertolo, Roberta Magliozzi , Antonio Bertolotto

21 January 2021