There was so much NICO at the XVII National Congress of the Italian Society of Neurosciences in Ischia.
Marina Boido (Group Brain development and disease) was invited to speak at the symposium "Identification of Neuroprotective Molecules in Spinal Muscular Atrophy" , where she showed new data on the effects of blocking apoptosis and autophagy on progression of the disease.
The symposium was held at a particularly important time for SMA patients because, after so many years, effective therapies are now on the market.
Our scientific director Alessandro Vercelli organized a symposium on "Generation of hMSNs for transplantation in HD" , where the PRIN project (D. Besusso of Milan, G. Biella of Pavia, MR Moresco by MIlano Bicocca and A. Vercelli) showed data on cell generation and transplantation in Huntington's disease.
The results are very encouraging for a future therapeutic transplant for this very serious neurodegenerative disease.
Ferdinando Di Cunto (Group leader Embryonic Neurogenesis) was elected to the Board of Directors of the Society to represent neuroscientists working on brain development. It is first and foremost a personal success that attests the esteem of other Italian neuroscientists towards him, and is also an act of appreciation and encouragement for the NICO and its work.
Sara Trova , Benedetta Fornasari and Marilena Marraudino presented part of their doctoral thesis work at the poster session.
Sara Trova has also received a prize for the best poster.