Group leader: Annalisa Buffo

Enrica Boda
Tel + 39 011 6706615
Fax + 39 011 6705451
Born in Turin, 08.05.1981 - Italian
2010 PhD in Neuroscience, University of Turin, Italy
2005 Master’s degree in Neurobiology (summa cum laude and honourable mention), University of Turin, Italy
Current position
Associate Professor in Human Anatomy (BIO/16).
Previous positions
2017- 2020 Assistant Professor in tenure track (RTD-B) in Human Anatomy (BIO/16).
2015-2017 Senior Post-doc Fellow (Assegnista di Ricerca). Independent fundings granted by Cariplo Foundation (Ricerca Biomedica condotta da Giovani Ricercatori). Department of Neuroscience Rita Levi Montalcini and Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), University of Turin, Italy.
Jun-Aug 2015 Visiting Scholar in Dr. Akiko Nishiyama’s laboratory, Department of Physiology and Neurobiology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT (USA).
2010-2014 Post-doc Fellow, Department of Neuroscience Rita Levi Montalcini and Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), University of Turin, Italy. PI: Prof. Annalisa Buffo
2005 – 2009 PhD student, Department of Neuroscience, University of Turin, Italy. PI: Prof. Filippo Tempia
Scientific interests
Oligodendroglia-neurons cross-talk in health and disease. Myelination. De-/Dis-myelinating disorders. Molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of the self-renewal and differentiation of neural progenitor cells (neural stem cells and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells).
Role in research
Lead responsible of research on oligodendroglial physiopathology, expert in oligodendrocyte neurobiology
Not all oligodendrocyte precursors are created equal
Nature Communication , 28 April 2022
Molecular and functional heterogeneity in dorsal and ventral oligodendrocyte progenitor cells of the mouse forebrain in response to DNA damage.
Enrica Boda, Martina Lorenzati, Roberta Parolisi, Brian Harding, Gianmarco Pallavicini, Luca Bonfanti, Amanda Moccia, Stephanie Bielas, Ferdinando Di Cunto, Annalisa Buffo
Air pollution and Multiple Sclerosis: PM effects on neuroinflammation and myelin repair
Neurochemistry International
, May 2021
Parolisi R, Montarolo F, Pini A, Rovelli S, Cattaneo A, Bertolotto A, Buffo A, Bollati V, Boda E
This work, which is the result of an annual multicenter pilot project supported by the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, has shown for the first time that exposure to PM has negative effects on the regenerative capacities of the nervous tissue, and in particular of myelin.
In vivo silencing of miR-125a-3p promotes myelin repair in models of white matter demyelination
Glia , 12 March 2020
Marangon D, Boda E, Parolisi R, Negri C, Giorgi C, Montarolo F, Perga S, Bertolotto A, Buffo A, Abbracchio MP, Lecca D
Understanding the effects of air pollution on neurogenesis and gliogenesis in the growing and adult brain
Current Opinion in Pharmacology , February 2020
Boda E, Rigamonti AE, Bollati V