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Cell Death and Disease, T. Borsello, IRCCS Mario Negri e A. Vercelli

Exploring the role of MKK7 in excitotoxicity and cerebral ischemia: a novel pharmacological strategy against brain injury

14 october 2015

Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, L. Bonfanti

Noncanonical Sites of Adult Neurogenesis in the Mammalian Brain

14 october 2015

The Cerebellum, K. Leto

Consensus paper: cerebellar development
in memory of Ferdinando Rossi

5 october 2015

Environmental Health - Parma Consensus Statement on Metabolic Disruptors

Environmental Health, June 2015
Parma Consensus Statement on Metabolic Disruptors

19 june 2015

Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, F. Tempia

Parallel fiber to Purkinje cell synaptic impairment in a mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type 27

6 june 2015

Journal of Neuroscience, E. Parmigiani

Heterogeneity and Bipotency of Astroglial-Like Cerebellar Progenitors along the Interneuron and Glial Lineages

12 may 2015

Frontiers in Neurogenesis, L. Bonfanti e P. Peretto

Adult Neurogenesis twenty years later: physiological function versus brain repair
Topic editors Paolo Peretto and Luca Bonfanti

28 february 2015

Events & Meetings

20 december 2024

NICO NeuroWebinar & Seminar

1 appointment per week, on Friday at 2.00 pm