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Multiple origins and modularity in the spatiotemporal emergence of cerebellar astrocyte heterogeneity

Plos Biology , 27 September 2018
V Cerrato, E Parmigiani, M Figueres-Oñate, M Betizeau, J Aprato, I Nanavaty, P Berchialla, F Luzzati, C de’Sperati, L Lopez-Mascaraque, A Buffo

10 october 2018

NICO in the top 10 EJN articles written by researchers in Italy

The European Journal of Neuroscience presented a collection of pioneering and original research and reviews articles in the fields of molecular, cellular, systems, behavioural and cognitive neurosciences free to access until the end of 2018. A pubblication by Prof. Stefano Geuna's Research Group is one of 10 written by researchers in Italy.

10 september 2018

Chronic treatment with tributyltin induces sexually dimorphic alterations in the hypothalamic POMC system of adult mice.

Cell Tissue Research , 4 August 2018
Farinetti A, Marraudino M, Ponti G, Panzica GC, Gotti S

2 september 2018

Neuron-Astroglia Cell Fate Decision in the Adult Mouse Hippocampal Neurogenic Niche Is Cell-Intrinsically Controlled by COUP-TFI In Vivo

Cell Reports , 10 July 2018
S Bonzano, I Crisci, A Podlesny-Drabiniok, Chiara Rolando, W Krezel, M Studer, S De Marchis

12 july 2018

Inactivation of citron kinase inhibits medulloblastoma progression by inducing apoptosis and cell senescence.

Cancer Research , June 2018
Pallavicini G, Sgro F, Garello F, Falcone M, Bitonto V, Berto GE, Bianchi FT, Gai M, Chiotto AM, Filippi M, Cutrin JC, Ala U, Terreno E, Turco E, Di Cunto F

7 july 2018

NICO @BraYn Meeting

Bainstorming Research Assembly for Young Neuroscientists, the 1st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Italian Young Neuroscientists, was held in Genoa, 29-30 June 2018

29 june 2018

Sox2 conditional mutation in mouse causes ataxic symptoms, cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, and postnatal defects of Bergmann glia.

Glia , May 2018
Cerrato V, Mercurio S, Leto K, Fucà E, Hoxha E, Bottes S, Pagin M, Milanese M, Ngan CY, Concina G, Ottolenghi S, Wei CL, Bonanno G, Pavesi G, Tempia F, Buffo A, Nicolis SK.

3 june 2018

Kisspeptin system in ovariectomized mice: Estradiol and progesterone regulation

Brain Research , June 2018
Marilena M, Mariangela M, Trova S, Farinetti A, Ponti G, Gotti S, Panzica G

3 june 2018

Events & Meetings

21 february 2025

NICO NeuroWebinar & Seminar

1 appointment per week, on Friday at 2.00 pm