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Gruppo guidato da Stefano Gotti (facente funzioni)

Antonino Casile

Antonino Casile

PhD student

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Melito Porto Salvo (RC) on 26/04/1991 - Italian.

Current Position: PhD Student–Pharmacology Unit, School of Pharmacy, University of Camerino - Italy. 

2021-2024 – PhD in Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Food Sciences, University of Camerino – Italy.
2019 - Master’s Degree in Evolution of animal and human behaviour [LM-60] at the University of Turin (A.A. 2016-2019).
2014 - Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Protection and Welfare [L-40] at the University of Teramo (A.A. 2013-2016).

Academic training and research experiences

October2022: Training course “Visual Reactive Programming – Bonsai”,Cajal Neuroscience Institute, Belgium.
November 2022 – Today: PhD Student, Pharmacology Unit, School of Pharmacy, University of Camerino. Supervisor: Carlo Cifani and Prof. Stefano Gotti, Department of Neuroscience ”Rita Levi Montalcini”, University of Turin, Turin, Italy.
June 24-26 2022:Biennial Workshop “Spanning the spectrum of social behavior: towards more translationally relevant animal models”, Rome, Italy.
November 2021 - November 2022: Research Scholarships by CRT Foundation (Dep. Neuroscience, University of Turin). Supervisor: Prof. GianCarlo Panzica.
December 2018 - February 2020: Internship and Postgraduate internship in Professor Panzica’s laboratory at the Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (N.I.C.O.) and Neuroendocrinology Unit, University of Turin; AOU San Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano (TO).
March 2019: Training course of people carring out animal experiments at the Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (N.I.C.O; AOU San Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano (TO).

Awards and scholarships
2022: 41° Congresso Nazionale SIF - Oral presentation (Rome, 16-19 November 2022);
2022: Travel Grant to participate in EBPS Congress to Società Italiana di Farmacologia.
2022:  European Behavioural Pharmacology Society (EBPS) Congress 2022 - Oral presentation (Rome, 24-26 June 2022);
2021: XXXI Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Neuromorfologia (G.I.S.N) - Oral presentation (Milan, 26-27 November 2021);
2021: XXVIII Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Neuromorfologia (G.I.S.N) - Travel grant (Milan, 26-27 November 2021).


B.Bonaldo, A.Casile, M.Bettarelli, S. Gotti, GC. Panzica, M.Marraudino (2021) “Effects of chronicexposure to bisphenol A in adultfemale mice on social behavior, vasopressin system, and estrogen membrane receptor (GPER1)” - European Journal of Histochemistry, Vol. 65 No. s1 2021. [].

Congress Abstract – Bonaldo B., Casile A., Ostuni M.T., Bettarelli M., Gotti S., Marraudino M., Panzica G. - “Perinatalexposure to bisphenol A or S altersanxiety-relatedbehaviors and serotoninergic system in mice” - Vol. 65 No. s3 (2021): 31st National Conference of the Italian Group for the Study of Neuromorphology “Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio dellaNeuromorfologia” G.I.S.N.

Congress Abstract – Bonaldo B., Casile A.,Bettarelli M., Gotti S., Marraudino M., Panzica G.- “Effects of perinatalexposure to bisphenol A or S on sexualbehavior and kisspeptin system in mice” - Vol. 65 No. s3 (2021): 31st National Conference of the Italian Group for the Study of Neuromorphology “Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio dellaNeuromorfologia” G.I.S.N.
