Gruppo guidato da Stefano Gotti (facente funzioni)

Born in Camposampiero (PD) on 20/09/1995 - Italian.
Current Position:
PhD scholarship - Neuroendocrinology Unit, Dept. of Neuroscience and Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), University of Turin - Italy.
Education and training
2022 - current – PhD in Neuroscience, Doctoral School in Life and Health Sciences.
2019 - Master’s Degree in Psychology Neuroscience [LM-51] at the University of Trento.
2017 - Bachelor’s Degree in Cognitive psychology and psychobiology (L-24 - Psychology) at the University of Padua.
Academic training and research experiences
September 2019 - November 2019:Master's internship at MEG Center, University Hospital Tübingen (Germany).
October 2019: MR safety training at Abt. Biomedizinische Magnetresonanz in Tübingen (Germany).
March 2017 - May 2017:pre-lauream internship at ULSS Company N. 15 ALTA PADOVANA, Cittadella (Italy).
October 2018 - August 2019: Erasmus+ for study Project, Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tübingen(Germany).
September 2019 - November 2019: Erasmus + for traineeship project, MEG Center,Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tübingen(Germany).
Sometti, D., Ballan, C., Wang, H. et al. Effects of the antibiotic rifaximin on cortical functional connectivity are mediated through insular cortex. Sci Rep 11, 4479 (2021).