Gruppo guidato da Luca Bonfanti e Paolo Peretto

Paolo Peretto
Tel +39 011 6706605 NICO
Tel +39 011 6704673 c.o. Dept of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin
Born in Turin on 18.09. 1963. Italian.
- Honours degree in Biology, University of Turin, Italy (1993)
- One year Post-degree training (Lab. of Neurobiology, Dept. of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin, Italy and Dept. of Pharmacology, University of Basel, Switzerland) (1994)
- Telethon Foundation’s fellowship one year (Dept. of Neuroscience, University of Turin) (1995)
- PhD in Neuroanatomy (Dept. of Veterinary Morphophysiology, University of Turin) (1998)
- Cavalieri Ottolenghi Foundation’s one year post-doc fellowship (Dept. of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin) (1998)
Employment and research experience
- Assistant Professor (SSD, BIO06, SC, 05/B2 AnatomiaComparata e Citologia), Dept of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin, Italy. From Sept to Dec 2000 as Visiting Researcher at the Dept. of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA (1999-2005).
- Associate Professor (SSD, BIO06; SC, 05/B2;AnatomiaComparata e Citologia), Dept. of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Italy (2005-2016).
- Full Professor (SSD, BIO06; SC, 05/B2;AnatomiaComparata e Citologia), Dept. of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Italy (2016- today).
Principal research lines
Research activity on anatomical/molecular organization of the postnatal and adult neurogenic niches in the CNS of mammals. Ongoing studies: i) role of newborn neurons in the context of reproduction and cognitive functions; ii) function of neuronal parenchymal progenitors in the striatum of adult mammals; iii) effects produced by aerobic physical activity (amateur running) on brain plasticity.
Main findings
- Identification/characterization of the “glial tubes”, the structures that envelop and guide adult-born neuroblasts from the sub-ventricular zone to the olfactory bulb (Peretto et al., 1997, Brain Res. Bull. 42, 9-21).
- Identification/characterization of new neurogenic niches in the striatum of adult rabbit and postnatal guinea pig (Luzzati et al., 2006, J. Neurosci. 26, 609-621; Luzzati et al., 2014, Development 141(21), 4065-75).
- Identification/molecular characterization of local astroglial neurogenic progenitors in the injured mouse striatum (Luzzati et al., 2011, PLOS ONE 6 (9) e25088, 1-16; Nato et al., 2015, Development 142(5):840-5).
- Identification/characterization of pheromonal-dependent mechanisms in the regulation of adult neurogenesis in the accessory olfactory bulb of female mice (Oboti et al., 2009 Eur.J. Neurosci. 29(4), 679-692).
- Identification/functional characterization of accessory olfactory bulb newborn neurons in the context of the neuroendocrine reflex known as the “bruce effect” (Oboti et al., 2011, Front. Neurosci. 5, p. 1-14).
- Identification of a link among adult neurogenesis, levels of circulating testosterone, and opposite sex-attraction in male mice (Schellino et al., 2016, Sci. Rep. 6:36063).
Main scientific collaborations
Dr. Paolo Giacobini, Jean-Pierre Aubert Research Center, School of Medicine, Lille (France); Prof. Jeroen Pasterkamp, Dept. of Translational Neuroscience, University Medical Center Utrecht (Netherlands); Prof. Luca Bonfanti, Dip. ScienzeVeterinarie,Università Torino (Italia); Dr. LivioOboti, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin (HU Berlin); Prof. Dustin Penn (Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology, Veterinary Medicine University, Vienna); Prof Sylvain Gigan (Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel Sorbonne Université, Paris).
Guest Referee for international scientific journals and grant projects
Associate Editor Frontiers in Neuroscience
Referee for Scientific Journals: European Journal of Neuroscience; Developmental Neurobiology; Hippocampus; Journal of Comparative Neurology; Brain Research; Neurochemical Research; Neuroscience; Frontiers in Neurogenesis.
Referee as Scientific expert for: ANR the French National Research Agency; Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian; Scientific Evaluation Neurological Foundation of New Zealand
Scientific Societies
Unione Zologica Italiana (UZI)
Gruppo Embriologico Italiano (GEI)
EuropeanChemoreceptionResearch Organization (ECRO)
Membership in research centers:
NeuroscienceInstitute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO, Turin);
NeuroscienceInstituteTurin (NIT);
Academic Board - PhD program in Neuroscience-University of Turin.
Academic Activities
- Chair of “Comparative Anatomy”. First cycle degree courses in “Natural Science”, University of Turin (2008-today).
- Chair of “Comparative Neurobiology”. Master Degree in “ Evolution of Animal and Human Behavior”, University of Turin (2006-today)
- President of the Master Degree in Evolution of Animal and Human Behavior (2015-today)
>> Progetto Corsa, Benessere psicofisico e Invecchiamento
FarmaCom, la rivista delle Farmacie comunali di Torino
gennaio-febbraio 2020 (a pag. 29)
> leggi l'articolo
Alla ricerca dei circuiti cerebrali che guidano la scelta del partner
Human Frontier Science Program 2020 - L’Università di Torino unico ateneo italiano tra i 20 vincitori del prestigioso grant con il progetto di ricerca di Serena Bovetti del DBIOS e NICO. Oltre 500 i partecipanti in gara da tutto il mondo
Neurogenesi Adulta e Attrazione Sessuale
L’attrazione sessuale, così come gli altri comportamenti, è il frutto di una complessa interazione fra geni e ambiente che modella i circuiti nervosi coinvolti nel controllo del comportamento riproduttivo.
Se questa interazione ormai è nota, molti sono ancora i punti da chiarire rispetto a come avviene. Lo studio pubblicato dal nostro gruppo di “neurogenesi adulta” su Scientific Reports fa luce proprio sui meccanismi che - interposti tra geni e ambiente - regolano il comportamento d’attrazione sessuale.