Gruppo guidato da Luca Bonfanti e Paolo Peretto

Serena Bovetti
Dept. of Life Sciences and Systems Biology (DBIOS)
Via Accademia Albertina, 13 - 10123 Torino – IT
tel. +39 011 6704676
tel. +39 011 6706612 NICO
Short description
I earned my Ph.D. degree in Neuroscience at the University of Turin (Italy) with a thesis focusing on the molecular mechanisms regulating neuroblast migration and differentiation in the postnatal and adult rodent olfactory bulb. My doctoral training was performed in partnership with Dr. Puche’s research team (University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA), a leading laboratory in the field of olfaction, where I spent 18 months (January 2005- September 2006). As a post-doctoral fellow in Dr. De Marchis’ team (University of Turin, Italy) and in tight collaboration with Dr. Studer’s research team (University of Sophie Antipolis, Nice, France), I pursued my interests in olfactory plasticity by unravelling the intrinsic versus extrinsic contribution to olfactory interneuron specification with a specific focus on the dopaminergic subtype.
In April 2012, I moved to the Italian Institute of Technology (Genoa, Italy) where I worked until July 2017 as a post-doctoral fellow in Dr. Fellin’s research team. By joining mouse genetics, in vivo two-photon calcium imaging and optogenetics, my project aimed to apply new all-optical approaches to study the physiology of cortical circuits in the intact mouse brain. Since June 2018 I am researcher (RTDb) at the University of Turin (Dept. of Life Sciences and Systems Biology and Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi) and my scientific interests are aimed in understanding the role ofolfactory circuits in reproductive behavior.
In particular, we use mouse genetics, in vivo two-photon functional imaging and whole-brain 3D reconstruction, to study the reciprocal interaction between the olfactory and the GnRH system, and the involvement of dopaminergic olfactory interneurons in the processing of odors relevant for mating-related behavior.
August 2017 - National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor (Abilitazione scientifica nazionale, II fascia) in Comparative Anatomy and Cytology (05/B2).
January 2007 - Ph.D. in Neuroscience (Excellent). University of Turin (Italy).
November 2001 - Italian Board of Biologists Certification.
November 2001 - Masters Degree in Biological Sciences (105/110). University of Turin (Italy).
Research experience
October 2022 - present Associate professor – Comparative Anatomy and Cytology, University of Turin, Dept. of Life Sciences and Systems Biology (DBIOS).
June 2018 – September 2022 Assistant professor – Comparative Anatomy and Cytology, University of Turin, Dept. of Life Sciences and Systems Biology (DBIOS).
April 2012 - July 2017 Post-doctoral fellow. Dept. of Neuroscience and Brain Technologies, Italian Institute of Technology (Genoa, Italy).
Project title: “Advanced optical technologies for the study of cortical networks”. Supervisor: Dr. TommasoFellin.
January 2008 - February 2012
Post-doctoral fellow. Dept. of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin (Italy).
Project title: “Role of sensory experience on postnatal and adult neurogenesis in the mouse olfactory bulb”. Supervisors: Dr. Silvia De Marchis / Dr. Aldo Fasolo.
November 2009 and February 2010
Short-term research activity. INSERM – CNRS University Lyon1 (France). Scientific coordinator: Dr. Anne Didier.
January 2007 - January 2008
Post-doctoral fellow. Dept. of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin (Italy). Project title: “Structural and molecular organization of neurogenic niche in adult mammals brain”. Supervisor: Dr. Aldo Fasolo.
November 2002 - January 2007
Ph.D. fellow. Dept. of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin (Italy). Project title: “Molecular aspects and mechanisms of cell migration and differentiation in the rodent olfactory bulb”. Supervisor: Dr. Isabelle Perroteau.
January 2005 - September 2006
Visiting fellow. Dept. of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Maryland, School of Medicine, (Baltimore, USA). Supervisor: Dr. Adam Puche.
January 2002 – June 2002
Post-masters fellow. Dept. of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin (Italy). Project title: “Neuronal and glial plasticity in the olfactory bulb: role of glutamate receptors”. Supervisor: Dr. PatriziaBovolin.
February 2000 - September 2000
Socrates/Erasmus visiting fellow. INSERM U413, University of Rouen (France). Supervisors: Dr. Aldo Fasolo and Dr. Hubert Vaudry.
January 2000 - November 2001
Undergraduate trainee. Dept. of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin (Italy). Project title: “Effect of somatostatin in the control of endozepines release from cultured rat astrocytes”. Supervisor: Dr. Aldo Fasolo, in partnership with Dr. Hubert Vaudry, INSERM U413, University of Rouen (France).
Teaching experience
2019 – 2020 Comparative Anatomy, Undergraduate Degree in Natural Sciences, University of Turin (Italy).
2018 – 2019 Comparative Anatomy, Undergraduate Degree in Natural Sciences, University of Turin (Italy).
2015 - 2016 Seminars for Graduate Doctoral School in Life and Humanoid Technologies, Course in Neuroscience and Brain Technologies (XXIX cycle) (4 hours of lessons/year), University of Genoa (Italy).
2012 Undergraduate Teacher Assistant in Comparative Anatomy (40 hours of lessons, ex art.33 now art.76), Undergraduate Degree in Biological Science, University of Turin (Italy).
2008 - 2009 Undergraduate Teacher Assistant in Biomaterials (20 hours of lessons/year), Undergraduate Degree in Material Science, University of Turin (Italy).
2002 - 2010 Seminars for Developmental Biology course, Masters Degree in Biological Science and Biotechnology, (6 hours of lessons/year). Molecular Biotechnology Centre and Dept. of Human and Animal Biology, University of Turin (Italy).
2002 - 2009 Seminars for Neurobiology course, Masters Degree in Biological Science (6 hours of lessons/year). Dept. of Human and Animal Biology, University of Turin (Italy).
H index (Scopus- Elsevier, Nov 2019): 16
Forli A, Vecchia D, Binini N, Bovetti S, Moretti C, Mahn M, Baker C, Bolton ML, Yizhar O and Fellin T. “Two-photon bidirectional control and imaging of neuronal excitability with cellular resolution in vivo”. Cell Rep. 2018 Mar 13;22:3087-3098.
Mariotti L, Losi G, Sessolo M, Melone M, Chiavegato A, Marcon I, Bovetti S,ForliA,Fellin F, Conti F, and Carmignoto G. “GABAergicinterneurontype-specificsignaling to astrocytes in neocorticalcircuits”. NatCommun. 2018 Jan8;9:82.
Zucca S, D’Urso G, Pasquale V, Vecchia D, Pica G, Bovetti S, Moretti C, Varani S, Molano-Mazón M, Chiappalone M, Panzeri S, Fellin T. An inhibitory gate for state transition 1 in cortex. Elife. 2017 May 16;6. pii: e26177. doi: 10.7554/eLife.26177.
Bovetti S, Moretti C, Zucca S, Dal Maschio M, Bonifazi P, Fellin T. (2017). Simultaneous high-speed imaging and optogenetic inhibition in the intact mouse brain. Sci Rep. Jan 5;7:40041. doi: 10.1038/srep40041.
Moretti C, AntoniniA, BovettiS, LiberaleC and FellinT. (2016). Scanless functional imaging of hippocampal networks using patterned two-photon illumination through GRIN lenses. Biomed Opt Express. 2016 Sep 12;7:3958-3967.
Bonzano S, Bovetti S, Gendusa C, Peretto P, De Marchis S. (2016). Adult born olfactory bulb dopaminergic interneurons: Molecular determinants and experience-dependent plstcity. Front Neurosci. 2016 May6;10:189.
Sessolo M, Marcon I, Bovetti S, Losi G, Cammarota M, Ratto GM, Fellin T, Carmignoto G. (2015). Parvalbumin-Positive Inhibitory Interneurons Oppose Propagation But Favor Generation of Focal Epileptiform Activity. J Neurosci. 35:9544-57.
Bovetti S, Fellin T. (2015). Optical dissection of brain circuits with patterned illumination through the phase modulation of light. J NeurosciMethods. 15:66-77.
Bonzano S, Bovetti S, Fasolo A, Peretto P, De Marchis S. (2014). Odour enrichment increases adult-born dopaminergic neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb. Eur J Neurosci. 40:3450-7.
Bovetti S, Moretti C, Fellin T. (2014). Mapping brain circuit function in vivo using two-photon fluorescence microscopy. Microsc Res Tech. 77:492-501.
Bovetti S, Bonzano S, Garzotto D, Giannelli SG, Iannielli A, Armentano M, Studer M, De Marchis S. (2013). COUP-TFI controls activity-dependent tyrosine hydroxylase expression in adult dopaminergic olfactory bulb interneurons. Development. 140:4850-9.
Beltramo R, D'Urso G, Dal Maschio M, Farisello P, Bovetti S, Clovis Y, Lassi G, Tucci V, De Pietri Tonelli D, Fellin T. (2013). Layer-specific excitatory circuits differentially control recurrent network dynamics in the neocortex. Nat Neurosci. 16:227-34.
Gribaudo S, Bovetti S, Friard O, Denorme M, Fasolo Aand De Marchis S (2012). The postsynaptic protein Neurograninis transiently expressed during maturation of olfactory tufted cells and regulated by olfactory deprivation. J Comp Neurol. 520:3055-69.
Bovetti S, Gribaudo S, Puche AC, De Marchis S and Fasolo A (2011). From progenitors to integrated neurons: role of neurotransmitters in adult olfactory neurogenesis. Review. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 42:304-16.
Puche AC and Bovetti S (2011). Studies of adult neural stem cell migration. Methods Mol Biol. In Stem Cell Migration. Humana Press Inc. 750:227-40.
Bovetti S, Veyrac A, Peretto P, Fasolo A, De Marchis S (2009). Olfactory enrichment influences adult neurogenesis modulating GAD67 and plasticity-related molecules expression in newborn cells of the olfactory bulb. PLoS One 4:e6359.
Gribaudo S, Bovetti S, Garzotto D, Fasolo A, De Marchis S (2009). Expression and localization of the calmodulin-binding protein neurogranin in the adult mouse olfactory bulb. J Comp Neurol 517:683-94.
Bovolin P, Bovetti S, Fasolo A, Katarova Z, Szabo G, Shipley MT, Margolis FL and Puche AC. (2009). Developmental regulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 splice variants in olfactory bulb mitral cells. J Neurosci Res 87:369-79.
Bovetti S, Peretto P, Fasolo A and De Marchis S (2007). Spatio-temporal specification of olfactory bulb interneurons. Journal of Molecular Histology 38:563-9.
Bovetti S, Hsieh YC, Bovolin P, Perroteau I, Kazunori T and Puche AC (2007). Blood vessels form a migratory scaffold for migrating neuroblasts in adult olfactory bulb. J Neurosci 27:5976-80.
Bovetti S, Bovolin P, Perroteau I, and Puche AC (2007). SVZ-derived neuroblast migration to the olfactory bulb is modulated by matrix remodeling. Eur J Neurosci 25: 2021–2033.
De Marchis S, Bovetti S, Carletti B, Hsieh YC, Garzotto D, Peretto P, Fasolo A, Puche AC, Rossi F (2007). Generation of distinct types of periglomerular olfactory bulb interneurons during development and in adult mice: implication for intrinsic properties of the subventricular zone progenitor population. J Neurosci 27:657-664.
Zaghetto A, Paina S, Mantero S, Platonova N, Peretto P, Bovetti S, Puche AC, Piccolo S and Merlo GR (2007). Activation of the Wnt-ß-catenin pathway in a cell population on the surface of the forebrain is essential for the establishment of olfactory axon connections. J Neurosci 27:9757-68.
Bovetti S, De Marchis S, Gambarotta G, Fasolo A, Perroteau I, Puche AC, Bovolin P (2006). Differential expression of neuregulins and their receptors in the olfactory bulb layers of the developing mouse. Brain Res 1077:37-47.
De Marchis S, Temoney S, Erdelyi F, Bovetti S, Bovolin P, Szabo G and Puche AC (2004). GABAergic phenotypic differentiation of a subpopulation of subventricular derived migrating progenitors. Eur J Neurosci 20:1307-17.
Antonini, A., Bovetti, S., Moretti, C., Succol, F., Rajamanickam, V.P., Bertoncini, A., Liberale, C, Fellin, T. (2018). Extended field-of-view ultrathin microendoscopes with built-in aberration correction for high-resolution imaging with minimal invasiveness. BioRxiv. doi:
Book Chapters:
Bovetti S, Moretti C and Fellin T. (2019) Patterned two-photon illumination for high-speed functional imaging of brain networks in vivo”. Contributoadinvito per il volume “Advanced Optical Methods for Brain Imaging” Springer book editore.
Puche AC and Bovetti S (2011). Studies of adult neural stem cell migration. Methods Mol Biol. In Stem Cell Migration. Humana Press Inc. 750:227-40.
Forli, A., Vecchia, D., Binini, N., Bovetti, S., Moretti, C., Mahn, M., Baker, C.A., Bolton, M.M., Yizhar, O., Fellin, T. Two-photon imaging and manipulation of neural networks with high spatial resolution and minimal crosstalk. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Volume Part F88-BRAIN 2018, 2018, 2pOptics and the Brain, BRAIN 2018; Hollywood; United States; 3 April 2018 through 6 April 2018; Code 139858.
Antonini, A., Bovetti, S., Moretti, C., Succol, F., Rajamanickam, V.P., Bertoncini, A.,Fellin, T.,Liberale, C. 3D printing of microlenses for aberration correction in GRIN microendoscopes. Optics InfoBase Conference PapersVolume Part F82-CLEO_Europe 2017, 2017, 1pThe European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO_Europe 2017; Munich; Germany; 25 June 2017 through 29 June 2017; Code 139018.
Alla ricerca dei circuiti cerebrali che guidano la scelta del partner
Human Frontier Science Program 2020 - L’Università di Torino unico ateneo italiano tra i 20 vincitori del prestigioso grant con il progetto di ricerca di Serena Bovetti del DBIOS e NICO. Oltre 500 i partecipanti in gara da tutto il mondo