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Letizia Marvaldi brings the prestigious Rita Levi Montalcini fellowship to NICO - UniTo

Dr. Marvaldi won the prestigious Rita Levi Montalcini fellowship that allowed her to return to Italy: « I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to teach my skills and abilities to young researchers. Moreover - she said - I am really happy to come back and start my research at NICO with my new fantastic colleagues» .

Dr. Marvaldi joined the  Department of Neurosciences Rita Levi Montalcini, University of Turin , where she will teach Human Anatomy at the Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology course. 
Here at NICO, she joined the Brain development and Disease Research Group at NICO - University of Turin , lead by the Scientific Director prof. Alessandro Vercelli. 

19 july 2022

NURR1-deficient mice have age- and sex-specific behavioral phenotypes

Journal of Neuroscience Research , 20 May 2022
Open Access

Montarolo F, Martire S, Chiara F, Allegra S, De Francia S, Hoxha E, Tempia F, Capobianco MA, Bertolotto A 

Research group NICO:  Clinical Neurobiology

7 june 2022

Not all oligodendrocyte precursors are created equal

Nature Communication , 28 April 2022

Molecular and functional heterogeneity in dorsal and ventral oligodendrocyte progenitor cells of the mouse forebrain in response to DNA damage. 

Enrica Boda, Martina Lorenzati, Roberta Parolisi, Brian Harding, Gianmarco Pallavicini, Luca Bonfanti, Amanda Moccia, Stephanie Bielas, Ferdinando Di Cunto, Annalisa Buffo

5 may 2022

Blood Vessels: The Pathway Used by Schwann Cells to Colonize Nerve Conduits

International Journal of Molecular Sciences , February 2022 

Fornasari B. E., Zen F., Nato G., Fogli M., Luzzati F., Ronchi G., Raimondo S., Gambarotta G

Research Group NICO: Nerve Regeneration and Adult Neurogenesis 

27 april 2022

Intellectual disability: Sara Bonzano wins the post-doctoral grant from the Accademia dei Lincei to unveil novel etiopathogenetic mechanisms

Dr. Sara Bonzano, post doc of the NICO research group of Adult Neurogenesis led by profs. Luca Bonfanti and Paolo Peretto, will be able to carry out the study in 2022 thanks to the post-doctoral grant awarded by the Interdisciplinary Center Linceo "Beniamino Segre" - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei - in the field of Biomedicine.

27 january 2022

Effects of chronic exposure to bisphenol A in adult female mice

European Journal of Histochemistry , November 2021

Brigitta Bonaldo, Antonino Casile, Martina Bettarelli, Stefano Gotti, GianCarlo Panzica, Marilena Marraudino

Group leader: Giancarlo Panzica

12 january 2022

The hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus as a central hub for the estrogenic modulation of neuroendocrine function and behavior

Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology , April 2022

D. Grassi, M. Marraudino, L.M.Garcia-Segura,  G.C.Panzica

free download until March 1, 2022

10 january 2022

IBRO-PERC Support for Soft Skills Training: First Edition Attendees

Building up a career in Neuroscience
Grant and CV writing + job interview preparation

The  first edition of the School  proposed by NICO - University of Turin has successfully concluded with the participation of 16 PhD students and postdocs from European - in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, Poland and Italy - and Indian research institutes.

The course, realized thanks to the support of  IBRO-PERC Support for Soft Skills Training , was held online from  November 29 to December 4, 2021.

16 december 2021

Events & Meetings

21 february 2025

NICO NeuroWebinar & Seminar

1 appointment per week, on Friday at 2.00 pm