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HD: human striatal progenitors transplanted in the lesioned striatum are able to survive long-term

Stem Cell Research & Therapy , 28 July 2023

Roberta Schellino, Dario Besusso, Roberta Parolisi, Gabriela B. Gómez-González, Sveva Dallere, Linda Scaramuzza, Marta Ribodino, Ilaria Campus, Paola Conforti, Malin Parmar, Marina Boido, Elena Cattaneo, Annalisa Buffo

Research Groups NICO:  Physiopathology of neural stem cells   and  Brain development and disease

4 august 2023

Lestaurtinib inhibits Citron kinase activity and medulloblastoma growth through induction of DNA damage, apoptosis and cytokinesis failure

Frontiers in Oncology , 19 June 2023

Pallavicini G*, Iegiani G*, Parolisi R, Ferraro A, Garello F, Bitonto V, Terreno E, Gai M and Di Cunto F

Research Group NICO:  Embryonic neurogenesis

28 june 2023

Sleep fragmentation affects glymphatic system through the different expression of AQP4 in wild type and 5xFAD mouse models

Acta Neuropathologica Communications , 18 January 2023
Open Access

Vasciaveo V, Iadarola A, Casile A, Dante D, Morello G, Minotta L, Tamagno E, Cicolin A, Guglielmotto M

Research Group NICO: Aging and Alzheimer's Disease

8 march 2023

Agonist of growth hormone-releasing hormone improves the disease features of spinal muscular atrophy mice

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) , 10 January 2023

Marina Boido, Iacopo Gesmundo, Anna Caretto, Francesca Pedrolli, Roberta Schellino, Sheila Leone, Renzhi Cai, Wei Sha, Ezio Ghigo, Andrew V Schally, Alessandro Vercelli, Riccarda Granata

Research Group NICO:  Brain development and disease

12 january 2023

How do we find love?

Despite courtship has been largely characterized from an ethological point of view, how the brain orchestrates this complex mechanism is completely unknown. Dr Stefano Zucca will try to find the answer thanks to his project, awarded with the European Marie-Sklodovska Curie Postdoctoral fellowship . Dr Zucca – with the support of prof. Serena Bovetti - aims at understanding how the brain integrates information from multiple sensory modalities, by using naturalistic and ethological fundamental behaviours, such as courtship and mate selection, and where in the brain the information coming from acoustic and olfactory courtship cues isintegrated.

21 november 2022

Exposure to either bisphenol A or S represents a risk for crucial behaviors for pup survival

Neuroendocrinology, 18 July 2022

Exposure to either bisphenol A or S represents a risk for crucial behaviors for pup survival, such as spontaneous maternal behavior in mice

Bonaldo B, Gioiosa L, Panzica GC, Marraudino M

7 november 2022

Moxifloxacin rescues SMA phenotypes in patient-derived cells and animal model

Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences , 22 July 2022

Januel C, Menduti G, Mamchaoui K, Martinat C, Artero R, Konieczny P, Boido M.

29 july 2022

Iron arm with aging

Scientific Reports , 9 July 2022

Activation of the Hepcidin-Ferroportin1 pathway in the brain and astrocytic–neuronal crosstalk to counteract iron dyshomeostasis during aging

Mezzanotte M, Ammirata G, Boido M, Stanga S, Roetto A   

28 july 2022

Events & Meetings

21 february 2025

NICO NeuroWebinar & Seminar

1 appointment per week, on Friday at 2.00 pm