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Elovl5 is required for proper action potential conduction along peripheral myelinated fibers

Glia , 17 June 2021

Eriola Hoxha, Ilaria Balbo, Roberta Parolisi, Roberto Spezzano,   Francesca Montarolo, Francesco Ravera, Michela Guglielmotto, Stefania Raimondo, Eleonora Di Gregorio, Annalisa Buffo, Alfredo Brusco, Barbara Borroni, Nico Mitro, Donatella Caruso, Filippo Tempia

2 july 2021

CENPE Inhibition Leads to Mitotic Catastrophe and DNA Damage in Medulloblastoma Cells

Cancers , 1 March 2021

Iegiani G, Gai M, Di Cunto F, Pallavicini G

14 may 2021

Augmented Reality in Medical Practice: From Spine Surgery to Remote Assistance

Frontiers in Surgery , 30 March 2021 

Fabio Cofano, Giuseppe Di Perna, Marco Bozzaro, Alessandro Longo, Nicola Marengo, Francesco Zenga, Nicola Zullo, Matteo Cavalieri, Luca Damiani, Daniya J. Boges, Marco Agus, Diego Garbossa and Corrado Calì

30 april 2021

Searching for alternatives to brain regeneration

Neural Regeneration Research , 25 March 2021

Chiara La Rosa, Luca Bonfanti

1 april 2021

The My-AHA ICT platform prevents quality of life decline in older adults: a randomised controlled study

Age and Ageing , 22 January 2021

Prevention of frailty is paramount in older adults. We evaluated the efficacy of a tailored multidomain intervention, monitored with the My Active and Healthy Aging platform, in reducing conversion from a prefrail status to overt frailty and preventing decline in quality of life.

24 march 2021

A First Phenotypic and Functional Characterization of Placental Extracellular Vesicles from Women with Multiple Sclerosis

International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 12 March 2021

Martire S., Montarolo F., Spadaro M., Perga S., Sforza M.L., Marozio L., Frezet F., Bruno S.,
Chiabotto G., Deregibus M.C., Camussi G, Botta G, Benedetto C, Bertolotto A

23 march 2021

Air pollution and Multiple Sclerosis: PM effects on neuroinflammation and myelin repair

Neurochemistry International , May 2021
Parolisi R, Montarolo F, Pini A, Rovelli S, Cattaneo A, Bertolotto A, Buffo A, Bollati V, Boda E

This work, which is the result of an annual multicenter pilot project supported by the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, has shown for the first time that exposure to PM has negative effects on the regenerative capacities of the nervous tissue, and in particular of myelin.

10 march 2021

NPY-Y1 receptor signaling controls spatial learning and perineuronal net expression

Neuropharmacology , December 2020

Ilaria Bertocchi, Paolo Mele, Giuliano Ferrero, Alessandra Oberto, Daniela Carulli, Carola Eva

26 january 2021

Events & Meetings

21 february 2025

NICO NeuroWebinar & Seminar

1 appointment per week, on Friday at 2.00 pm