Monday, 23th February - h 14:30
Seminars room, NICO
Molecular fine-tuning in the perineuronal nets orchestrate plasticity and repair in the CNS
Jessica Kwok
John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge (UK)
PNNs are a layer of macromolecular complexes in which extracellular matrix molecules, polysaccharides (such as chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans and hyaluronan) and soluble proteins, form a compact layer of aggregates and anchor onto the neuronal surface. Using biochemical, cell biology, together with functional studies, we have established the core molecular and structural components of the PNNs and demonstrated that manipulation of PNNs effectively increases plasticity in the adult CNS.
Host: Daniela Carulli
Area Ricercatori
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