Torino - 10th International Meeting STEROIDS and NERVOUS SYSTEM

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Data dell'evento: dal 15/02/2019 al 19/02/2019

10th International Meeting
Torino - February 16th-20th, 2019


Dear Colleagues,

A new and exciting edition of the International Meeting on Steroids and Nervous System will be organized again in Torino (16-20 February, 2019). Therefore,  we are pleased to invite you at the Tenth edition of this biannual meeting celebrating with us this important milestone. Since 2001, this meeting represented an important event for basic and clinical researchers working on this emerging scientific topic (see here for an article describing previous editions of the meeting).

As during the previous meetings, we will address state-of-the-art approaches in the field of steroids and nervous system, including behavior, epigenetics, genomic and non-genomic actions, the vitamin D, neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders, and the interference among endocrine disruptors and steroid signaling.

In particular, we will have 5 Plenary Lectures and 11 Symposia or minisymposia by the most important experts of the field. A few additional short communications (selected by the Organizing Committee) will complete some symposia.

New data on emerging trends and new developments of the field will be presented and discussed during the poster sessions. In addition, a round table on a very hot topic The problem with the sex differences will be held. Moreover, specific actions for young investigators, such as Young Investigator Symposium, Meet the Professor Lunch, Poster Prizes and Fellowship Support will be organized.

Furthermore, a satellite symposium entirely dedicated to Steroids and the Nervous System: Past and Future will be held the day 16.

Finally, because our country is famous in the world for beauty, art, music and food, the good science provided by this meeting will be accompanied by social activities that we will organize.

We are looking forward to your participation

Roberto C. Melcangi and GianCarlo Panzica

more information > neurosteroids2019


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