Gruppo guidato da Stefano Gotti (facente funzioni)

Giancarlo Panzica †
European Journal of Histochemistry 2022; volume 66:3527
In memoriam of Prof. GianCarlo Panzica
Your Alumni, Marilena, Brigitta e Stefano
Hormones and Behavior, August 2022
In memoriam – Gian Carlo Panzica (17 August 1949–21 July 2022)
Jacques Balthasar, University of Liege, Belgium
Milano (Italy), August 17, 1949 - Turin, July 21, 2022
1973 Master degree in Biological Sciences (University of Torino, Italy).
1993 PhD in Neuroscience (University of Salamanca, Spain).
1980-1990 – Assistant Professor of Histology and Human Anatomy, University of Torino (Italy)
1990-2000 – Associate Professor of Human Anatomy, University of Torino (Italy)
2000-2006 – Full Professor of Comparative Anatomy, University of Torino (Italy)
2006-today - Full Professor of Human Anatomy, University of Torino (Italy)
- 2003-2009 Coordinator of Master degree in Neurobiology, Faculty of Science, University of Torino (Italy)
- 2007-2012 Head of the Department of Anatomy, Pharmacology and Forensic Medicine
- 2010-2012 Member of the Board of the Directors of the University of Torino
- 2013-today Member of the Board of the Italian Anatomical Collegium
- 2013 - President of Master Degree in Evolution of animal and human behaviour, School of Science, University of Torino (Italy)
- 2013 – ViceDirector for Research, Department of Neuroscience
- 2014 - Director of the Department of Neuroscience
Member of the Editorial board of peer reviewed journals:
- European Journal of Anatomy (1995-2010)
- Cell and Tissue Research (1996-today)
- Hormones and Behavior (2000-today)
- Domestic Animal Endocrinology (2007-2010)
- Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy (2010-today)
Guest editor in "Special Issues" on peer reviewed journals
- Neuropeptides and neuronal circuitries (G.Filogamo and G.C.Panzica eds), Special Issue, Basic and Applied Histochemistry, vol. 32/1, 1988, pp 1-192.
- Hormones, Brain, and Behavior (G.C.Panzica and J.Balthazart eds). Special Issue, Brain Research Bulletin, vol.44/4, 1997, pp.319-557;
- The Role of Nitric Oxide (G.C.Panzica ed). Special Issue, Eur. J. Anatomy, vol.2/1, 1998, pp.25-76;
- Neuroactive steroids for the third millenium (Melcangi R.C. and Panzica G.C. eds). Special Issue, Brain Res. Reviews, vol. 37 (1-3), 2001, pp. 1-384;
- Action of environmental estrogens on neural circuits and behavior (G.C. Panzica and M.A.Ottinger, eds), Special Issue, Brain Res. Bull., 2005, 65.
- Neuroactive steroids: Old players in a new game (R.C. Melcangi and G.C.Panzica eds), Special Issue, Neuroscience, 2006, 138(3).
- The endocrine nervous system: source and target for neuroactive steroids. (R.C.Melcangi and G.C.Panzica eds), Special Issue, Brain Res. Reviews, vol. 57, 2008.
- Neuroactive steroids: effects and mechanisms of action (R.C. Melcangi and G.C. Panzica eds), Special Issue, Psychoneuroendocrinology, vol. 34 (Suppl. 1) 2009, pp. 1-286 - ISSN.0306-4530
- Neuroactive steroids: Focus on human brain (R.C. Melcangi, L.M. Garcia-Segura and G.C. Panzica eds), Special Issue, Neuroscience, vol. 191, 2011, pp. 1-158 – ISSN.0306-4522.
- Recent advances in peptides and neurotransmitters (G.C.Panzica and L. D'Este eds), Special Issue, J. Chem. Neuroanatomy, vol. 42, 2011, pp. 221-340 – ISSN.0891-0618.
- Steroids and the nervous system (G.C. Panzica and R.C. Melcangi eds), Special Issue, Journal of Neuroendocrinology, vol. 24, 2012, pp. 1-248 - ISSN 0953–8194.
- Steroids and the nervous system (R.C. Melcangi and G.C. Panzica eds), Special Issue, Journal of Neuroendocrinology, vol. 25, 2013, pp. 957–1237 - ISSN 0953–8194
- Allopregnanolone: State of the Art (R.C. Melcangi and G.C. Panzica eds), Special Issue, Progress in Neurobiology, vol. 113, 2014, pp. 1-136 - ISSN: 0301-0082
Editor of Scientific Books:
Steroids and Nervous System. (G.C:Panzica and R.C.Melcangi eds), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2003, Vol. 1007, , pp.1-406;
Guest referee for international scientific journals:
Brain Res.; Brain Res. Bull.; Brain Res. Rev.; Cell Tissue Res.; Endocrinology; Eur. J. Neurosci.; Front. Neuroendocrinol.; Horm. Behav.; J. Anat.; J. Chem. Neuroanat.; J. Comp. Neurol.; J. Neuroendocrinol.; J. Neurosci.; J. Neurochem.; Neurobiol. Dis.; Neuroscience; Neurosci. Lett.; Physiol. Behav.; PLoS ONE; Progr. Neurobiol.; Psychoneuroendocrinol.
Scientific societies:
- Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (Program Committee Member, 2009-2013)
- Society for Neuroscience
- Italian Society for Neuroscience (Board Member, 2008-2011, General Secretary, 2008-2010)
- Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology
- Italian Group for Neuroendocrinological Science (Board Member)
- Italian Group for Neuromorphology (Board Member)
Membership in research networks:
Istituto Nazionale di Neuroscienze (INN);
Neuroscience Institute Turin (NIT);
COST GnRH network;
Endocrine Society-EU task force on Endocrine Disruptors.
Reviewer in international grant projects:
- Agencie Nationale de la Recherche (France)
- Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
- British Council
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- European Commission's 5 and 6th Science Programme
- National Science Foundation (USA)
- Swiss National Science Foundation
PhD program
Member of the Council of PhD Program of Meuroscience (PhD School of Health).
PhD students (tutor or supervisor):
Adriana Paraninfo (1996), Nicoletta Aste (1996), Claudia Castagna (1998), Stefano Gotti (2004), Laura Plumari (2004), Monica Sica (2005), Francesca Allieri (2008), Mariangela Martini (2008), Elena Mura (2009), Daniela Grassi (2010), Elisabetta Bo (2011), Egidio Caricati (2011), Desiree Miceli (2012), Alicia Rodriguez-Gomez (2013), Bendetta Foglio (2014), Alice Farinetti (2014).
- 1986 - Premio Angelo Costa (1986) of the Faculty of Medicine for Anatomical and Embryological Studies
- 1994 Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado of the University of Salamanca (Spagna).
- 1994 Branemark Osseointegration Center Award.
Invited Main Conferences
1977 - Symposium Normal and impaired differentiation processes in the nervous system, Basel, Switzerland.
1981 - 6th European Congress of Anatomy, Hamburg, Germany
1984 - Symposium Hormones, Brain and Behaviour, Liege, Belgium,
1986 - Symposium Functional morphology of neuroendocrine systems: evolutionary and environmental aspects, Giessen, Germany,
1987 - Symposium Sex dimorphism in the brain and steroid action in its development, Antwerpen, Belgium,
1988 - Symposium Neuroendocrinologia della riproduzione: aspetti adattativi e filogenetici, Meeting Unione Zoologica Italiana, Camerino, Italy
1988 - Symposium Hormonal control of reproduction and behaviour, Accademia dei Lincei, Roma, Italy.
1989 - VI Congresso A. Ghigi, Torino, Italy
1989 - International Conference on Hormones, Brain and Behaviou, Liege, Belgium,
1989 - Technical Workshop of ENA meeting on Image analysis on neurohistology, Torino, Italy
1992 - International Congress on Current Topics in Experimental and Human Embryology, Catania, Italy
1992 - Vth Symposium Avian Endocrinology, Edinburgo, UK,
1993 - Symposium Metodi e problematiche della neurobiologia comparata, UZI, Torino, Italy
1993 - XV Congresso Sociedad Anatómica Española, Tenerife, Spain
1993 - XI Incontro Nazionale della Società Italiana Ustioni, Tabiano Terme, Italy
1996 - VIth Symposium Avian Endocrinology, Lake Louise, Canada
1997 - Simposium "Il Ruolo del NO", Meeting Società Italiana di Anatomia, Torino
1997 - Simposio Recent Advances in Neuroendocrinology, Frankfurt, Germany
1998 - 2nd European Conference of Comparative Neurobiology, Kohln, Germania
1998 - 13° International Conference on Comparative Physiology, Troina, Italy
2000 - VIIth Symposium Avian Endocrinology, Varanasi, India
2002 - Impact of endocrine disruptors on brain development and behavior. Intern.School Ethology 18th workshop, Erice, Italy
2002 - UZI meeting, Cosenza, Italy
2003 - 5th International Malpighi Symposium, Roma, Italy
2004 - VIII Intern.Symposium of Avian Endocrinology, Phoenix, USA
2004 - Int.Conf. Farm Animal Endocrinology, Budapest, Hungary
2005 - Avian Brain Conference, Budapest, Hungary
2006 - 6th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology, Pittsburg, USA
2007 - Internat. Conf. Food Contaminants And Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Valencia, Spain
2007 - 2nd World Congress on Gender-specific Medicine and Aging: The endocrine impact. Roma, Italy
2008 - European Conference of Comparative Endocrinologist, Genova, Italy
2008 - 1st World conference on Kisspeptin. Cordoba, Spain
2009 - Meeting of Soc.Ital.Istochimica, Roma, Italy
2010 - Intern. Symp. Disturbances of Cerebral Function Induced by Food and Water Contaminants. Valencia, Spain
2010 - 7th Intern. Congr.Neuroendocrinology, Rouen, France
2010 - Symposium Neuroend. Effects of Endrocrine Disruptors, Rouen, France
2011 - Meeting Società Italiana di Anatomia e Istologia. Padova, Italy
2011 - SYNAPSA, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2011 - The Obese species. Erice, Italy
2012 - Meeting Società Italiana di Neuroscienze. Catania, Italy
2012 - Gordon Conference on Endocrine Disruptors, Mount Snow, USA
2012 - Meeting Società Italiana Andrologia e Medicina Sessuale, Lecce, Italy
2012 - UZI meeting, Firenze, Italy
2013 - 1st NiCE meeting, Milano, Italy
2014 - Hypothalamo-hypophyseal meeting, Milano, Italy.
Invited seminars
In Italy:
Ancona, Firenze, Mantova, Milano, Modena, Novara, Padova, Palermo, Pavia, Roma, Siena Torino, Venezia, Verona
In foreign countries:
Baltimore, Bristol, College Park, Copenhagen, Giessen, Liege, Madrid, Oviedo, Salamanca, Strasbourg, Tours Ulm
International Meetings' organization
International Meeting Steroids and Nervous System, Torino (2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2013)
Satellite Symposium: Allopregnalonone: State of Art, Torino, February 2013
Satellite Symposium: Neuroactive steroids: Focus on human brain, Torino, February 2011
VII International Conference on Hormones, Brain and Behavior, Torino, February 2009
Satellite Symposium: Steroid hormone regulation of NPY system, Torino, February 2005.
Satellite symposium: Action of environmental estrogens on behaviorally relevant neural circuits, Torino, February, 2003
Satellite symposium: Behavior as a biomarker of the effects of estrogenic pollutants in higher vertebrates, Torino, September 2001
VI International Conference on Hormones, Brain and Behavior, Torino, August 1996
Scientific collaborations
- Jacques Balthazart and Julie Bakker (Liege, Belgium),
- Roland Grossmann (Mariensee, Germany),
- Antonio Guillamon and Paloma Collado (Madrid, Spain),
- Luis Miguel Garcia-Segura (Madrid, Spain),
- Manuel Tena-Sempere (Cordoba, Spain),
- Horst-W. Korf (Frankfurt, Germany),
- Mary Ann Ottinger (Houston, TX, USA),
- Fernando Sanchez (Salamanca, Spain)
Virtual Meeting
19-22 February 2022
Editorial activity of the group
> Special Issues
ChemicalWatch, July 2015
Experts endorse Parma consensus on ‘metabolic disruptors’
Sistema nervoso e fitoestrogeni: protezione o danni?
>> scopri il progetto di ricerca
Services and Products for preclinical proof of concepts
Our spinoff provides scientific expertise, animal models, equipment and facilities to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device Companies and to Research Centers for proof–of-concept or pilot in vivo studies.
Esposizione cronica al bisfenolo A in gravidanza: come le plastiche possono alterare encefalo e comportamento sociale
L’esposizione cronica per un periodo che copre gravidanza e allattamento, a una dose di BPA pari a quella indicata come dose tollerabile giornaliera (TDI) dall’EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) causa nelle femmine di topo alterazioni sia a livello comportamentale che encefalico.
I risultati dello studio realizzato dai nostri ricercatori del gruppo di Neuroendocrinologia e pubblicati sull’European Journal of Histochemistry suggeriscono quanto sia urgente adottare misure più stringenti nell'utilizzo di BPA, a tutela della salute di tutti.
Il Cervello nei due sessi: somiglianze e differenze
Ne parla GianCarlo Panzica, Professore Onorario di Anatomia Umana dell'Università di Torino che qui al NICO guida il gruppo di ricerca di Neuroendocrinologia, ospite dell'Associazione Mensa Italia.
Guarda il video della conferenza.
Interferenti endocrini: buone notizie da Bruxelles
La Commissione europea ha adottato il 14 ottobre la "Strategia per le sostanze chimiche per la sostenibilità verso un ambiente privo di sostanze tossiche dell'Unione europea” nell'ambito del Green Deal della UE. La strategia sarà la base per determinare l'aggiornamento delle normative per l’uso di sostanze chimiche in Europa, atteso da più di un decennio.
Di particolare interesse per tutti noi e per il gruppo NICO di Neuroendocrinologia guidato da Giancarlo Panzica - che se ne occupa da anni - è la presenza in questa risoluzione strategica di misure per proteggere il pubblico e l'ambiente dalle sostanze chimiche che interferiscono con il sistema endocrino (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, EDC).
Ossitocina e vasopressina, nuovi orizzonti per vecchi ormoni
ScienzainRete ha chiesto a Giancarlo Panzica, esperto nella fisiologia ormonale dell’ossitocina che qui al NICO guida il gruppo di Neuroendocrinologia, di scrivere un compendio della migliore conoscenza disponibile sul tema della manipolazione del comportamento, e in particolare per quanto riguarda le possibilità offerte dalla chimica e dalla farmacologia. Il risultato è la review che riportiamo, dove si sottolinea soprattutto l’emergenza nella discussione di un secondo ormone, la vasopressina - di cui sin qui si è discusso solo marginalmente - nel regolare antagonisticamente il sistema dell’ossitocina. L’importanza di considerare gli effetti di singole molecole nell’intero sistema d'interazioni molecolari non può essere sottostimata; per questo è giusto inserire nella discussione almeno del principale antagonista dell’ossitocina.