Gruppo guidato da Alessandro Vercelli

Born in Modica (RG) on 27.11.1982 – Italian
2004 – Intership at San Giovanni Vecchio (SGAS, Torino), Clinical Engineering Service
2004 – BSc. In BiomedicalEngineering, Politecnico di Torino
2006 – Internship Erasmus Program,BlueBrainProject (BBP), EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland)
2006 – MSc in BiomedicalEngineering, Politecnico di Torino
2008 – 2011, Research internship at Oslo Rikshospitalet (Oslo, Norway)
2013 – PhD in Neuroscience,Neuroscience Doctoral program of University of Lausanne and Geneva (Switzerland)
Former and current positions:
2006 – 2012 - PhD Student, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
2012 – 2013 – Postdoctoral fellow, BioEM Facility, EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland)
2013 – 2019 – Senior Postdoctoral fellow, Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal (Saudi Arabia)
2019 – 2020 – Research Scientist, Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal (Saudi Arabia)
2020 - 2022 – Assistant professor RTDB in Human Anatomy, University of Turin
2021 - President and Founder IntraVides - Smart Assistant Surgeon Through Augmented Reality Solutions
Febb 2023 - present - Associate Professor of Human Anatomy, University of Turin
Research Interests:
I am interested in investigating the neuroanatomy of the brain at nanoscopic level, using 3DEM and 3D reconstruction, with a particular emphasis on astrocytes and their morphological coupling with neurons and vasculature. In my former team we pioneered the use Virtual Reality in neuroscience, and developed tools to explore the intimate relationships between these types of cells.
Pierre Magistretti, Distinguished Professor and Dean, BESE Division, KAUST (Saudi Arabia)
Markus Hadwiger, Associate Professor, Visual Computing Centre, KAUST (Saudi Arabia)
Henry Markram, Full Professor, BlueBrainProject, Campus Biotech, Geneva (Switzerland)
Felix Schuermann, Adjoint Professor, BlueBrainProject, Campus Biotech, Geneva (Switzerland)
Marco Agus, Assistant Professor, Qatar Fundation, Doha (Qatar)
Renaud Jolivet, Assistant Professor, Department of Nuclear and Corpuscular Physics (DPNC), University of Geneva and Experimental Physics Department (EP), CERN (Switzerland)
Joao Filipe Oliveira, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade do Mino, Braga (Portugal)
Corriere della Sera - 25.7.2018
A spasso dentro il cervello (grazie alla realtà virtuale)
Alla King Abdullah University of Science and Technology di Thuwal, in Arabia Saudita, il team dell’italiano Corrado Calì utilizza ricostruzioni tridimensionali ottenute con microscopia elettronica per vedere il cervello a occhio nudo. Obiettivo: studiare come alcune particolari cellule (gli astrociti) garantiscono il rifornimento energetico ai neuroni
Le cellule cerebrali non hanno più segreti: un software di realtà virtuale ne ricostruisce lo scheletro
Ha lavorato diversi anni in Arabia Saudita, al KAUST - King Abdullah University of Science and Techonology, ma da inizio 2020 è tornato in Italia per unirsi alla nostra squadra di Sviluppo e patologia del Cervello, guidata dal prof. Alessandro Vercelli. In questo che è il suo primo lavoro 'targato' NICO - Università di Torino, Corrado Calì ha sviluppato un nuovo framework basato sulla realtà virtuale (VR) per l'analisi di modelli tridimensionali di cellule cerebrali ricostruite da immagini di microscopia elettronica 3D.