Le pubblicazioni del 2014

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Le pubblicazioni del 2014

54 pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche internazionali
16 seminari organizzati al NICO, oltre 60 interventi in meeting scientifici nazionali e internazionali e 20 in conferenze divulgative. Ecco i nostri 'numeri' del 2014

1. Beck-Broichsitter BE, Lamia A, Geuna S, Fregnan F, Smeets R, Becker ST, Sinis N (2014). Does pulsed magnetic field therapy influence nerve regeneration in the median nerve model of the rat? Biomed Res Int 2014:401760

2. Bertolotto A, Capobianco M, Amato MP, Capello E, Capra R, Centonze D, Di Ioia M, Gallo A, Grimaldi L, Imberti L, Lugaresi A, Mancinelli C, Marrosu MG, Moiola L, Montanari E, Romano S, Musu L, Paolicelli D, Patti F, Pozzilli C, Rossi S, Salvetti M, Tedeschi G, Tola MR, Troiano M, Zaffaroni M, Malucchi S; Italian Multiple Sclerosis Study group (2014). Guidelines on the clinical use for the detection of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) to IFN beta in multiple sclerosis therapy: report from the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Study group. Neurol Sci 35(2):307-16

3. Boccazzi M, Rolando C, Abbracchio MP, Buffo A, Ceruti S (2014). Purines regulate adult brain subventricular zone cell functions: contribution of reactive astrocytes. Glia 62(3):428-39

4. Boda E, Buffo A (2014). Beyond cell replacement: unresolved roles of NG2-expressing progenitors. Front Neurosci 8:122

5. Boda E, Di Maria S, Rosa P, Taylor V, Abbracchio MP, Buffo A (2014). Early phenotypic asymmetry of sister oligodendrocyte progenitor cells after mitosis and its modulation by aging and extrinsic factors. Glia [Epub ahead of print]

6. Boido M, Piras A, Valsecchi V, Spigolon G, Mareschi K, Ferrero I, Vizzini A, Temi S, Mazzini L, Fagioli F, Vercelli A (2014). Human mesenchymal stromal cell transplantation modulates neuroinflammatory milieu in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Cytotherapy 16:1059-72

7. Bonfanti L (2014). Cellule staminali e malattie neurodegenerative: scienza ed etica. Giornale dell'Accademia di Medicina di Torino

8. Bonfanti L (2014). La nuova bioetica delle staminali: dalle cellule al paziente. Bioetica Rivista interdisciplinare Torino

9. Bonomi M, Cappa M, Cariboni A, Di Schiavi E, Fabbri A, Ferlin A, Foresta C, Ghizzoni L, Jannini E, Krausz C, Loche S, Lombardo F, Maggi M, R Maggi, Maghnie M, Mancini A, Merlo G, Panzica G, Radetti H, Russo G, Simoni M, Sinisi A A, Persani L (2014). Kallmann's syndrome and normosmic isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: two largely overlapping manifestations of one rare disorder. Journal of endocrinological investigation 37:5.499-500

10. Bonzano S, Bovetti S, Fasolo A, Peretto P, De Marchis S (2014). Odour enrichment increases adult-born dopaminergic neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb. Eur J Neurosci [Epub ahead of print]

11. Capobianco M, di Sapio A, Malentacchi M, Malucchi S, Matta M, Sperli F, Bertolotto A (2014). No impact of current therapeutic strategies on disease reactivation after natalizumab discontinuation: a comparative analysis of different approaches during the first year of natalizumab discontinuation. Eur J Neurol [Epub ahead of print]

12. Capobianco M, Piccoli G, Neve Vigotti F, Scapoli P, Deagostini MC, Albera C, Roccatello D, Bertolotto A (2014). Interferon beta-related nephropathy and interstitial lung disease: a new association and a long-term warning. Mult Scler [Epub ahead of print]

13. Carvalho M, Costa LM, Pereira JE, Shirosaki Y, Hayakawa S, Santos JD, Geuna S, Fregnan F, Cabrita AM, Maurício AC, Varejão AS (2014). The role of hybrid chitosan membranes on scarring process following lumbar surgery: post-laminectomy experimental model. Neurol Res 25:1743132814Y0000000414

14. Cattaneo E, Bonfanti L (2014). Therapeutic potential of neural stem cells: greater in people's perception than in their brains? Front Neurosci 8:79

15. Cauda F, Geminiani C, Vercelli A (2014). Anatomical and functional Lateralization of the insular cortex in Insula: Neuroanatomy, Functions and Clinical Disorders, published by Ed Uddin L. Nova Science Publisher Pp 67-93

16. Cauda F, Geminiani C, Vercelli A (2014). Evolutionary appearance of Von Economo's Neurons in the mammalian cerebral cortex. Front Hum Neurosci 8:104

17. Crosio A, Valdatta L, Cherubino M, Izzo M, Pellegatta I, Pascal D, Geuna S, Tos P (2014). A simple and reliable method to perform biomechanical evaluation of postoperative nerve adhesions. J Neurosci Methods 233:73-7

18. De Luca A, Parmigiani E, Tosatto G, Martire S, Hoshino M, Buffo A, Leto K, Rossi F (2014). Exogenous Sonic Hedgehog Modulates the Pool of GABAergic Interneurons During Cerebellar Development. Cerebellum [Epub ahead of print]

19. Di Battista G, Bertolotto A, Gasperini C, Ghezzi A, Maimone D, Solaro C (2014). Multiple Sclerosis State of the Art (SMART): A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Therapy's Adherence, Hospital Reliability's Perception, and Services Provided Quality. Mult Scler Int 2014:752318

20. Di Gregorio E, Borroni B, Giorgio E, Lacerenza D, Ferrero M, Lo Buono N, Ragusa N, Mancini C, Gaussen M, Calcia A, Mitro N, Hoxha E, Mura I, Coviello DA, Moon YA, Tesson C, Vaula G, Couarch P, Orsi L, Duregon E, Papotti MG, Deleuze JF, Imbert J, Costanzi C, Padovani A, Giunti P, Maillet-Vioud M, Durr A, Brice A, Tempia F, Funaro A, Boccone L, Caruso D, Stevanin G, Brusco A (2014). ELOVL5 Mutations Cause Spinocerebellar Ataxia 38. Am J Hum Genet 95: 209-217

21. Di Sapio A, Bertolotto A, Melillo F, Sperli F, Malucchi S, Troni W (2014). A new neurophysiological approach to assess central motor conduction damage to proximal and distal muscles of lower limbs. Clin Neurophysiol 125(1):133-41

22. Farinetti A, Tomasi S, Foglio B, Ferraris A, Ponti G, Gotti S, Peretto P, Panzica GC. (2014) Testosterone and estradiol differentially affect cell proliferation in the subventricular zone of adult gonadectomized male and female rats. Neuroscience, in press.

23. Fontana R, Della Torre S, Meda C, Longo A, Eva C, Maggi A (2014). Estrogen replacement therapy regulation of energy metabolism in female mouse hypothalamus. Endocrinology, 155:2213-2221

24. Gamba P, Guglielmotto M, Testa G, Monteleone D, Zerbinati C, Gargiulo S, Biasi F, Iuliano L, Giaccone G, Mauro A, Poli G, Tamagno E, Leonarduzzi G (2014). Up- regulation of β-amyloidogenesis in neuron-like human cells by both 24- and 27-hydroxycholesterol: protective effect of N-acetyl-cysteine. Aging Cell 13:561-72

25. Gambarotta G, Ronchi G, Friard O, Galletta P, Perroteau I, Geuna S (2014). Identification and validation of suitable housekeeping genes for normalizing quantitative real-time PCR assays in injured peripheral nerves. PLoS One 9(8):e105601

26. Gnanapavan S, Hegen H, Khalil M, Hemmer B, Franciotta D, Hughes S, Hintzen R, Jeromin A, Havrdova E, Tumani H, Bertolotto A, Comabella M, Frederiksen J,Alvarez-Cermeño JC, Villar L, Galimberti D, Myhr KM, Dujmovic I, Fazekas F, Ionete C, Menge T, Kuhle J, Keir G, Deisenhammer F, Teunissen C, Giovannoni G (2014). Guidelines for uniform reporting of body fluid biomarker studies in neurologic disorders. Neurology 83(13):1210-1216

27. Gnavi S, di Blasio L, Tonda-Turo C, Mancardi A, Primo L, Ciardelli G, Gambarotta G, Geuna S, Perroteau I (2014). Gelatin-based hydrogel for vascular endothelial growth factor release in peripheral nerve tissue engineering. J Tissue Eng Regen Med [Epub ahead of print]

28. Grande V, Manassero G, Vercelli A (2014). Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory roles of the phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN) inhibition in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Plos One in press

29. Grassi D, Lagunas-Garcia N, Calmarza-Font I, Diz-Chaves Y, Garcia-Segura LM, Panzica GC (2014). Chronic unpredictable mild stress and long-term ovariectomy affect arginine-vasopressin expression in the paraventricular nucleus of adult female mice. Brain Res 1588: 55-62

30. Guglielmotto M, Monteleone D, Piras A, Valsecchi V, Tropiano M, Ariano S, Fornaro M, Vercelli A, Puyal J, Arancio O, Tabaton M, Tamagno E (2014). Aβ1-42 monomers or oligomers have different effects on autophagy and apoptosis. Autophagy 10:1827-43

31. Hegen H, Millonig A, Bertolotto A, Comabella M, Giovanonni G, Guger M, Hoelzl M, Khalil M, Killestein J, Lindberg R, Malucchi S, Mehling M, Montalban X, Polman CH, Rudzki D, Schautzer F, Sellebjerg F, Sørensen PS, Deisenhammer F (2014). Early detection of neutralizing antibodies to interferon-beta in multiple sclerosis patients: binding antibodies predict neutralizing antibody development. Mult Scler 20(5):577-87

32. Lippiello P, Hoxha E, Volpicelli F, De Luca G, Tempia F, Miniaci MC (2014). Noradrenergic Modulation of the Parallel Fiber-Purkinje Cell Synapse in Mouse Cerebellum. Neuropharmacol 89: 33-42

33. Longo A, Mele P, Bertocchi I, Oberto A, Bachmann A, Bartolomucci A, Palanza P, Sprengel R, Eva C (2014). Conditional inactivation of Neuropeptide Y-Y1 receptors unravels the role of Y1 and Y5 receptors co-expressing neurons in anxiety. Biol Psych 76,840–849

34. Luzzati F (2014). Combining multichannel confocal laser scanning microscopy with serial section reconstruction to analyze large tissue volumes at cellular resolution. Neuromethods 87: 83-103

35. Luzzati F, Nato G, Oboti L, Vigna E, Rolando C, Armentano M, Bonfanti L, Fasolo A, Peretto P (2014). Quiescent neuronal progenitors are activated in the juvenile guinea pig lateral striatum and give rise to transient neurons. Development 141:4065-4075

36. Marnetto F, Granieri L, Valentino P, Capobianco M, Pautasso M, Bertolotto A (2014). CD19 mRNA quantification improves rituximab treatment-to-target approach: A proof of concept study. J Neuroimmunol [Epub ahead of print]

37. Martone T, Giordano P, Dagna F, Carulli D, Albera R, Rossi F (2014). Nestin expression and reactive phenomena in the mouse cochlea after kanamycin ototoxicity. Eur J Neurosci 39(11):1729-41

38. Marvaldi L, Thongrong S, Kozłowska A, Irschick R, Pritz CO, Bäumer B, Ronchi G, Geuna S, Hausott B, Klimaschewski L (2014). Enhanced axon outgrowth and improved long-distance axon regeneration in sprouty2 deficient mice. Dev Neurobiol [Epub ahead of print]

39. Melcangi RC, Panzica GC (2014). Allopregnanolone: State of the art. Progr Neurobiol 113:1-5

40. Montarolo F, Raffaele C, Perga S, Martire S, Finardi A, Furlan R, Hintermann S, Bertolotto A (2014). Effects of isoxazolo-pyridinone 7e, a potent activator of the nurr1 signaling pathway, on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice. PLoS One 9(9):e108791

41. Navone ND, Perga S, Martire S, Berchialla P, Malucchi S, Bertolotto A (2014). Monocytes and CD4+ T cells contribution to the under-expression of NR4A2 and TNFAIP3 genes in patients with multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimmunol 272(1-2):99-102

42. Novajra G, Tonda-Turo C, Vitale-Brovarone C, Ciardelli G, Geuna S, Raimondo S (2014). Novel systems for tailored neurotrophic factor release based on hydrogel and resorbable glass hollow fibers. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl 36:25-32

43. Oboti L, Peretto P (2014). How neurogenesis finds its place in a hardwired sensory system. Front Neurosci 8:102

44. Peretto P, Bonfanti L (2014). Major unsolved points in adult neurogenesis: doors open on a translational future? Front Neurosci 8:154

45. Peretto P, Paredes RG (2014). Social Cues, Adult Neurogenesis, and Reproductive Behavior in Neurobiology of Chemical Communication, published by Mucignat-Caretta C, editor Boca Raton (FL), CRC Press

46. Peretto P, Schellino R, De Marchis S, Fasolo P (2014). The interplay between reproductive social stimuli and adult olfactory bulb neurogenesis. Neural Plasticity 497657

47. Perino A, Beretta M, Kilic A, Carnevale D, Repetto I E, Braccini L, Longo D, Wetzker R, Liebig-Gonglach M, Aime S, Vercelli A, Lembo G, Pfeifer A, Hirsch E (2014). Combined inhibition of PI3Kbeta and PI3Kgamma reduces fat mass by enhancing a-MSH-dependent sympathetic drive. Science Signaling in press

48. Queiroga C, Vercelli A and Vieira H (2014). Carbon Monoxide and Central Nervous System: Challenges and Achievements. British J Pharmacol 10.1111/bph.12729

49. Riccio M, Pangrazi PP, Parodi PC, Vaienti L, Marchesini A, Neuendorf AD, Bottegoni C, Tos P, Geuna S (2014). The amnion muscle combined graft (AMCG) conduits: A new alternative in the repair of wide substance loss of peripheral nerves. Microsurgery 34(8):616-22

50. Rodriguez-Gomez A, Filice F, Gotti S, Panzica GC (2014). Perinatal exposure to genistein affects the normal development of anxiety and aggressive behaviors and nitric oxide system in CD1 male mice. Physiol Behav 133:107-114

51. Tomassy GS, Berger DR, Chen H-H, Kasthuri N, Hayworth KJ, Vercelli A, Seung SH, Lichtman J, Arlotta P (2014). Distinct profiles of myelin distribution along single axons of pyramidal neurons in the neocortex. Science 18: 319-324

52. Vazquez-Sanroman D, Leto K, Cerezo-Garcia M, Carbo-Gas M, Sanchis-Segura C, Carulli D, Rossi F, Miquel M (2014). The cerebellum on cocaine: plasticity and metaplasticity, Addiction Biology in press

53. Vercelli A, Boido M (2014) Spinal cord injury in Neurobiology of Brain Disorders, published by Michael J Zigmond, Joseph T Coyle, Lewis P Rowland. Elsevier New York in press

54. Ziv-Polat O, Shahar A, Levy I, Skaat H, Neuman S, Fregnan F, Geuna S, Grothe C, Haastert-Talini K, Margel S (2014). The role of neurotrophic factors conjugated to iron oxide nanoparticles in peripheral nerve regeneration: in vitro studies. Biomed Res Int 2014:267808


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