3.11 - A. Sale, Istituto di Neuroscienze - CNR di Pisa

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Data dell'evento: 02/11/2014

Lunedì 3 novembre - ore 14:00
Aula seminari, NICO 

Enrich the environment to empower the brain: towards an endogenous pharmacotherapy
Alessandro Sale
Istituto di Neuroscienze, CNR di Pisa

Brain plasticity refers to the remarkable property of neurons to change their structure and function in response to experience, a major focus for neural rehabilitation following brain disease. While much of the early work on this topic was based on deprivation approaches relying on sensory experience reduction procedures, major advances have been recently obtained using the conceptually opposite paradigm of environmental enrichment.
The effects elicited by enriched living conditions on physiological and pathological brain processes will be discussed.

Ospite: Daniela Carulli

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