Torino - February 14th-18th, 2015
8th International Meeting
After a very successful series of meetings (the last was in February 2013), we organized the 8th International meeting on Steroids and Nervous System, which will once again be held in Torino, between February 14th-18th, 2015.
As during the previous meetings, we will address state-of-the-art approaches in the field of steroids and nervous system, including behavior, epigenetics, genomic and non-genomic actions, aging, synaptic connectivity, psychiatric disorders.
A satellite symposium entirely dedicated to "Gender influence on neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders" will be held the day 14.
The final scientific program is online.
Under 35 year-old can apply for fellowships.
Remember the Satellite Symposium the day 14, see the program here.
Roberto C. Melcangi (University of Milano, Italy) and GianCarlo Panzica (University of Torino - NICO, Italy)
Information: - official website - Facebook
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