State of the art on Steroids and Nervous System: In memory of Giancarlo

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Data dell'evento: dal 23/02/2023 al 24/02/2023

February 23-24, 2023
State of the art on Steroids and Nervous System: In memory of Giancarlo

Dear Colleagues,

as many of you know, Giancarlo Panzica, one of the organizers of the International Meeting on Steroids and Nervous System, died in July of last year. To celebrate our colleague and friend, a symposium State of the art on Steroids and Nervous System: In memory of Giancarlo will be organized virtually on February 23-24, 2023.

Attendance will be free, but due to the limited number of access to the event, an email registration will be needed (please reply to

All the best                                                                    

Silvia Giatti, Stefano Gotti and Roberto C. Melcangi


21 febbraio 2025

NICO NeuroWebinar & Seminar

1 appointment per week, on Friday at 2.00 pm

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