Workshop on Mental Health in Academia and Virtuous Academic Culture

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Data dell'evento: dal 17/10/2024 al 18/10/2024

workshop MH&VAC

Mental Health in Academia and Virtuous Academic Culture

Hybrid Event - Online Registration Needed

Wellbeing and mental health awareness in academia have become an important focus to promote the development of healthy professional environments and allow sustainable careers in research.
In this workshop we will dive into these topics by tackling the background about mental health literacy and its impact in academia, and how the current academic system is progressively transitioning towards a healthier ecosystem.
We will explore how systemic interventions, such as training, mentoring and collaborative initiatives, can help improve researchers’ wellbeing at the workplace and support their career development.
Finally, the workshop will promote two practical workshops to learn more about communication and career management skills

Coordination: Dr. Fernando Josa Prado & Dr. Stefano Zucca, MSCA Fellows

Deadline for presential registration October the 13th

Programme | download pdf

Day 1 - Thursday 17th October
VENUE: Auditorium Aldo Moro, Via S.Ottavio Turin, Italy

Morning Session

● 8.40 - 9.00: Welcome by NICO director, Prof. Alessandro Vercelli.
Workshop Intro by Dr. Stefano Zucca&Dr. Fernando Josa Prado.

● 9.00 - 10.00: Intro to Mental Health Literacy.
Dragonfly - Mental Health

● 10.00 - 11.00: Mental Health in Academia.
Prof. Paola Rocca, UniTo

Coffee Break: 11.00 - 11.30 

● 11.30 - 12.30: The Impostor Phenomenon
Dragonfly - Mental Health

Lunch Break 12.30 - 14.00

Afternoon Session

● 14.00 - 15.00: Promoting a culture of clear communication in the laboratory 
Dr. Adelina Brizio, UniTo

● 15.00 - 16.15: Round Table - Reflecting on Systemic Interventions 
Participants: Prof. Marina Boido, Prof. Annalisa Buffo, Dr. Adelina Brizio, Dr. Stefano Zucca (UniTo).

Short Break 16.15 - 16.30

● 16.30 - 17.30: From Procustes to Mentor: a mythological walktowardsa Virtuous Academic Culture
Dr. Fernando Josa Prado

● 17.30 - 17.45: Closing Remarks

Day 2 - Friday 18th October:
Venue and schedule to determine

Active listening: enhancing peer support in the lab - facilitated by Dr. Stefano Zucca

Navigating your career expectations - facilitated by Dr. Fernando Josa Prado

EN Co-Funded by the EU_POS


17 ottobre 2024

Workshop on Mental Health in Academia and Virtuous Academic Culture

Coordination: Dr. Fernando Josa Prado & Dr. Stefano Zucca, MSCA Fellows

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