Gruppo guidato da Luca Bonfanti e Paolo Peretto

Giulia Nato
Tel. +39 011 6706632
Born in Aosta on 08.05.1986. Italian.
- PhD in Neuroscience, 26/01/2016 Univ. of Turin, Italy. “Uncovering the neurogenic potential of striatal astrocytes in health and disease”. PI P. Peretto.
- Master Degree in Biology, 10/2011, 110/110 cum laude, Unito. PI S. De Marchis. Univ. of Turin.
- First Level degree in Biological Science, 12/2009, 110/110 cum laude, Univ. of Turin, Italy. PIs: Prof. A. Fasolo, Prof E. Weruaga Prieto.
Current position
PostDoc, NeuroscienceInstitute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), Univ. ofTurin (Unito) PI: A. Buffo and F. Luzzati
Previous positions
- Lab of Physiopathology of neuralstemcells, NICO. 01/2016-present. PI A. Buffo.
- Lab of AdultNeurogenesis, Univ of Turin, NICO. PI P. Peretto.01/2012-12/2015 and 01/02/2019-present PI F. Luzzati
- Lab of Neuroanatomy, Univ. ofTurin. 09/2010-09/2011. PI S. De Marchis.
Main research interest and expertise
- Study of the intrinsic neurogenic potential and progeny of reactive glia in the
central nervous system after neurodegenerative events.
- Study of pathogenetic mechanisms in induced pluripotent cells (iPSC) from fibroblasts
obtained from ataxia telangiectasia patients.
- Study of low toxicity therapeutic strategies for the treatment of brain tumors
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms of neuronal aging.
Molecularbiology: RNA/DNA extraction, PCR, RT-PCR, oligonucleotide design. Histology: tissuefixation, sectioning, histochemicalstaining, immunohistochemistry. Microscopy: brightfield, fluorescence, confocal, stereologicalcounting, 3D reconstructions of light and confocalmicroscopyacquisitions. Biochemistry: western blotting. Cell culture. Behavioral test. Surgery: stereotaxicinjections, celltransplantation. transgenic mouse line breeding and BSL2 animal management, fate mapping and clonalanalysisapproaches. Computer skills and statisticalanalysis, Inkscape, Photoshop, SPSS.
Role in research
Responsible of research on astrocyte neurogenic activation; expert in striatal lesion and astrocyte reactivity