Gruppo guidato da Luca Bonfanti e Paolo Peretto

Marco Fogli
Tel +39 011 6706632
e-mail: -
Born in Carmagnola (TO, Italy) on September 23th 1993. Italian.
2017 - Master Degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology – Neurobiological Curriculum (University of Turin). Thesis title: “Neurogenic activation and lineage progression of striatal astrocytes following excitotoxic lesion: the role of Sox2”. PI Dott. Federico Luzzati. (110/110 Cum Laude and Honorable Mention).
2015 - Bachelor in Biological Sciences (University of Turin). Thesis title: “The role of microRNAs in peripheral nerve regeneration after injury”. PI Prof. Isabelle Perroteau. Final evaluation 105/110.
Laboratory experiences
October 2016 – present: “Adult Neurogenesis” Lab at Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (Orbassano, TO). Supervisor Dott. Federico Luzzati, Prof. Paolo Peretto.
January - March 2018: “Adult Neurogenesis and Cellular Reprogramming” Lab at Institute of Physiological Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University (Mainz, Germany). PI Prof. Benedikt Berninger.
November 2014 – July 2015: “Peripheral nerve regeneration” lab at the Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences (Orbassano, TO). PI Prof. Isabelle Perroteau.
2019-2023: PhD Fellowship for the PhD program in Neurosciences (University of Turin).
2018: Bando in memoria del Dott. Livio Griot - Fondazione Cecilia Gilardi ONLUS – Post-laurea fellowship
2017: NENS Exchange Grant for a two-months experience in Prof. Benedikt Berninger lab. Johannes Gutenberg University (Mainz, Germany).
2017: Borsa di Studio Fondazione Cecilia Gilardi ONLUS for my master thesis project.