A Postdoctoral Fellowship is available in the Physiopathology of Neural Stem Cell group at the Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (Orbassano, Torino, Italy), led by Annalisa Buffo. The fellowship is funded within NSC-Reconstruct, a 4-year H2020 European Union supported Project coordinated by Prof. Elena Cattaneo - University of Milan (Deputy Coordinator: Prof. Malin Parmar - Lund University).
We are seeking for a highly-motivated, communicative and inventive postdoc who will be part of an enthusiastic team and of the NSC-Reconstruct collaborative network. The main focus will be to reconstruct complex functional striatal circuits through the integration of human striatal neurons and glia grafted in preclinical models of Huntington’s disease. We will work toward this aim by combining control of graft composition, control of the host injured milieu and modulation of circuit
Job Qualifications:
- PhD in Neuroscience or related disciplines
- at least one-first author paper in an international peer reviewed journal
- strong background in neuroscience
- hands on experience in in vivo work on rodents, imaging, fundamental molecular and cellular biology and behavioral analyses
- experience with in vivo calcium imaging and recordings are an asset
- independent thinker able to work in a collaborative and multidisciplinary project
Interested candidates should send a CV, a motivation letter and two letters of recommendation to Prof. Annalisa Buffo, via email: annalisa.buffo@unito.it
Closing date, September 15, 2020.
Position available starting from the end of 2020.
Annalisa Buffo, PhD
Associate Professor of Physiology
Deputy Director at Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO)
Department of Neuroscience Rita Levi-Montalcini,
University of Turin
Regione Gonzole, 10, 10043 Orbassano (Torino)
Tel 00 39 011 6706614
Fax 00 39 011 6706621
email: annalisa.buffo@unito.it
Skype account: annalisabtorino
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