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Data dell'evento: 28/02/2019
EatingDisorders-web - Copia

PhD in Neuroscience - University of Turin

1st March, 2019
Aula Magna di Anatomia - Dipartimento di Neuroscienze UNITO
Corso Massimo D’Azeglio 52

The impact of stressful lifestyles on brain functioning

Morning Session

10:00 Welcoming introduction

10:15 - Extracellular components in neuroplasticity, memory and behavior
Bertocchi I., Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi

11:00 - The endocannabinoid system, stress and drug addiction: from neurobiology to therapeutic perspectives
Pistis M., University of Cagliari

11:45 - Sexual dimorphic effects of maternal separation on the reward system in anorexic rats
Farinetti A., Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

Afternoon Session 

14:00 - Stressful attachment events and the development of the Self in subjects affected with an eating disorder.
Amianto F., University of Turin

14:45 - How our brain can survive in a stressful and obesogenic world
Verdejo-Román J., Department of Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Processes and Speech Therapy, Complutense University of Madrid
15:30-16:00 Meet the scientist!
Students will be offered the opportunity to meet the speakers and ask them about their scientific fields of expertise and careers 

Conference Program (download pdf)

Organized by Antonia Gurgone, Martina Lorenzati, Jordi Manuello and Alice Rossi Sebastiano Delegates of the PhD Students


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